He's Just A Kid

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Peter curled up on his bed, ripping off his mask and letting a few tears fall. He wiped them away stubbornly and ate his apple quickly, knowing he would need more soon because of his super metabolism. He sighed and got out of bed, changing into his normal suit, trying to ignore how much it reminded him of Tony. He jumped to the ceiling, deciding it was better to crawl instead of walking. You know, because walking is boring.


Meanwhile, Nat was sat in the common area with Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Bruce, Scott, Clint, T'Challa, Shuri, and a bunch of others who she didn't recognize. It was a lot, but it felt great to have her family back. She did wish Peter was there, but she knew the kid was going through a lot, plus he was probably nervous since last time he saw most of them he was fighting them.  

Suddenly, Clint was in front of her snapping his fingers in her face. She snapped back into reality and looked around.

"Hey Nat, great to know you're back with us. You done spacing out?"

Nat nodded and her eyes followed Clint as he sat back down a few seats away from her. They were discussing what was to happen next, and it sounded like most would either return to their homes and stay at the Avengers Tower. Nat said she was going to stay here with Clint, it wasn't like she had another home to go to.


Peter listened to the conservation from the ceiling from the outside of the room, not feeling like it was right for him to come him. Finally he worked up the courage and pushed the door open, not bothering to get off the ceiling, because once again, walking was boring. 

No one seemed to notice the spider at first, when Peter let out a weak 'hey' everyone turned to look at him. Most of them had a similar 'what the fuck' face on, besides the ones who had been on Titan with him. Nat was the first one to speak up.

"Kid, get off the ceiling and find a seat. We are having an avengers and co. meeting, which includes you."

Peter nodded and fell from the ceiling, landing in a crouch position and flopping down in a empty beanbag, still wearing his suit. Peter gestured for them to go on and they did, he told them he would just stay at the tower since he had lived he before anyway. They seemed confused on why he already lived here, and started to grill him on it.

"Why would Spider-man live with Stark?!"

Yelled Sam.

"How well did you know him kid! Was he the one who did this do you?!"

Yelled Wanda.

Suddenly a whistle rang through the tower and all the yelling seized and the avengers backed off, leaving a shaking and panicking Peter on the beanbag.

"ENOUGH! Leave the kid alone! He will answer your questions when he wants."

Everyone nodded, some grumbling about Natasha being overprotective, but she shut them up with a glare. She knelt in front of Peter. 

"Go calm down in your room, have Friday tell me when you feel better and we can talk about what we are going do with these things."

She motions to everyone else and Peter nods, jumping back to the ceiling and scurrying off, leaving Natasha to deal with the annoyed and scared avengers and company. 

"If any of you hurt him or scare him you will deal you me. He's the kid Tony wanted me to protect, and I'm sure as hell going to."

No one besides Clint really understood her sentence, but they all nodded and continued the meeting, too scared to ask her anything else. A mad Natasha was a scary Natasha. 


So we hit 100 reads! That's amazing! I never thought anyone would really read this, since it was just kinda something I wanted to write for myself. But if you like it go ahead! We are started to get into the part where Nat becomes a momma spider so I'm excited cuz I love writing momma and baby spider~

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