Clint Stop It

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Peter quickly crawled back to his room and flopped down on his bed, immediately shutting his eyes and trying to even out his breathing, remembering what Tony told him about taking deep breaths. He clutched the Iron Man plushy to his chest, finding the soft fabric was a good grounder. After half an hour, he felt better. He called out to Friday.

"Friday, can you tell Ms. Black Widow she can come talk to me now, if she wants to."

Friday confirms that she will and Peter climbs out of bed, sitting at his desk and beginning to make more web fluid out of the chemicals he had in his room. He knew it wouldn't be long till he had to go back to school and start patrolling soon. The world needed to return to normal, without Tony Stark. 


As soon as Natasha got the notification she jumped up and walked to the kids room quickly. She knocked before opening the door, finding the kid working on something on his desk.

"Hey kid, what you working on?"

Peter looked up at her, clearing trying to not freak out well also trying to form a reply.

"My w-web fluid, ma'am."

"Okay, cut the formalities kid. Call me Natasha or Nat. And we need to have a chat about how you plan on living your life like this. How do you plan to go to school, superhero, and also hide your identity from a bunch of highly trained, most of them enhanced, individuals. I know you wanna keep doing them all, but it's gonna be hard."

Peter nodded, he had been thinking about it a lot. He had an idea, but he wasn't so sure about it.

"Well, I could finish school online. I really only need a few more credits to graduate anyway. Then I would have more time to superhero and work on better ways to hide my identity. I'm not ready for everyone to know yet. You saw how they reacted to me saying I lived here, how would they react to knowing I'm 16?!"

Natasha sighed, but she understood why the kid was so reluctant to give up his identity to just anyone. 

"Okay kid, that should work. Just know, I got your back. If you ever need help, just tell Fri to get me. I'm here for you, I'm here to protect you. I promise."

She let out a small smile before looking up and rolling her eyes fondly.

"So Clint, you done hiding in the vents yet?"

A grunt is heard from the vents and the smirking Hawkeye drops from the vents. Peter grabs his mask and pulls it over his face, but Nat smiles.

"It's okay Peter, he won't freak. If he does, he'll be getting his ass handed to him next time we train."

Peter takes the mask off, watching Clint closely, who seems to have little reaction.

"Kid, you were just going on and on about your age and everything, I kinda assumed you would look young. And I'm here for you too, I have my ways to keep everyone else off you."

Peter smiled lightly, the sparkle returning to his eyes for the first time since Tony died. Natasha and Clint both smiled equally as big as they turned towards the door.

"Call if you need something, spider-baby."


Okay, what?! I wrote my last chapter and celebrated 100 reads, now I'm at 150?! You have idea how cool this is! I know it kinda seems like that not a lot compared to a lot of the works on here, but I don't really share my writing with anyone so people actually wanting to read it surprises me! I may write an extra chapter tonight, depends when I fall asleep, which knowing me will be never. 

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