Who The Hell Listens To Fate These Days?! Ch7 part 2

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We finally made it back to the ballroom. Once again I was over whelmed by the elegance and presence of everyone in the room. I look around at everyone's elegance and feel out of place, maybe I should have waited to change. I seem sort of out of place in my jeans and sweater. Alex stops at the top of the stairs to see if he can find the guardian before we call Ayame because maybe we don't need her help after all.

As soon as Alex spotted the guardian he began to lead me towards her. From this distance I can tell that she is an elderly woman surrounded by quite a few guards.

Alex grabbed onto my hand so we wouldn't get separated in the crowd. With my hand enveloped in his i noticed how much bigger his is compared to mine, and how the warmth of his hands radiates heat in waves warming my frozen hands. He gives my hand a small squeeze for reassurance, I must seem nervous because he looked back, and smiled. When he did that it seemed as if everything around me dissolved, and the anxiousness of melting the guardian, and the thought of having to return home looking like this, just disappeared.

But as soon as we had closer to our destination, I was bumped a little, and immediately brought out of my little world. After a little distance I bumped into someone, and was immediately brought out of my little world.

After getting a few meters away from the guardians body guards he stopped, and points to the person behind the all the body guards; but I can barely see her. She must be really important; I wonder why they call her the guardian?

Alex turns to me, "I'm sorry, I can't go with you, but all you have to do is ask permission to speak with her from the guard with the brown hair, and yellow. Or frankly the one that looks closer to an ape, but that's just my opinion." I can't help but laugh at that because its true he does sort of look like an ape; he's huge, and buff and a little bit intimidating.

He smiles and gives me a little push of encouragement, "I'll be waiting for you right here until you get back. If you need me just call my name."

I slowly take steps over towards the man Alex had pointed out. "Ummm, excuse me." I said while taping on the man's shoulder. I must have scared him because his hand reached out for the hilt of his sword.

My eyes widen in shock. Okay if you could feel a threat this would definitely be it. The feeling of one's heart stopping for a split second, then beating rapidly form fear and all the blood & warmth draining from your face. Yeah that's kind of how I feel a little bit now.

"I... I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." I stammer in fear.

"No, I'm sorry I should have been on guard, and paying attention." He gives a sheepish grin, reminding me of a huge giant teddy bear, which just makes me want to give him a huge hug.

I start to relax a bit, "I was wondering if I may speak with the guardian?"

He eyed me suspiciously, "May I ask why you would like to speak with the guardian for?"

I begin to fidget, what if he doesn't let me speak with her? His eyes begin to harden little by little, and now I'm starting to get scared, a little nervous.

"Gray let her pass, I've been expecting her." A familiar yet sweet voice says.

Gray bows to the woman behind him. "As you oblige my lady."

The guards around her open up to let me in. But when they revealed the lady they protect I gasped in shock. I didn't think she really existed. "It's you!" I exclaim.

She chuckles, "Yes dear it is me. Who else were you expecting Mary Poppins, good heavens no; last I checked it was me. Although you're early, and I didn't expect to see you until All Hallows Eve, and I most certainly didn't expect to see you so soon after you've been released."

I stare at her with my mouth hung open. She knew I was coming? Halloween? What does she mean by released?

She looks at me with curiosity, "by the way how did you do that exactly again?"

"I don't know, I didn't do anything I swear, and frankly I have no idea what your even talking about!" I take a shaky breath in, "look I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person, I'm here because Alex said that you can help me."

A spark shows up in her eyes. "Aahh, so that's what happened you met your soul mate and your bond started.... Never expected that one. Why exactly are you in masqueria? I told your parents specifically no magic until your seventeenth birthday." She just goes on as if I haven't said anything.

"Okay, I seriously think that you have the wrong person.... Are you even listening to anything I'm saying, but I do seriously need your help."

The man Gray chuckles behind me, "never met anyone to insist the guardian Charlotte to be wrong."

Does he seriously find this funny, okay this whole conversation is really starting to irritate me. I'm dealing with a crazy old bat, great.  'Thanks a bunch for your help Alex', think sarcastically.

 "Maybe I was wrong to come here." I say turning around.

But as soon as she said, "Indeed you were wrong in coming here; you coming here put your life in great danger." I stop in my tracks.

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