Saving Clarke -Clexa

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Lexa's POV

I wake up in my bed in Polis, sweat pouring down my face, my heart pounding. A small scream escaped my lips. Titus runs in to ask if I am okay. 

After I shoo Titus off, I think back to the recurring nightmare I have been having. It starts the same as usual, we are at the mountain...

A night breeze blows in the trees, I lead my people away from the mountain, not looking back. Clarke's words ringing in my ears, "Please don't do this". As my battle ready army trudges back to Polis, I hear screams. When I turn around I see Clarke strapped to a table, being drilled into. I gasp in horror, the mountain men have evil smiles across their faces and say, "thank you Commander". 

Everyday I can not help but think of her, wonder if she is okay. Bellamy of the sky people says she never returned to camp that day, and now there is a bounty on the great Wanheda. 

After my people left the mountain, what really happened was that Clarke, Bellamy, and the one they call Monty wiped out all of Mount Weather, and Clarke has taken all of the credit, all of the power. 

I know Queen Nia kom Azgeda will send plenty of bounty hunters for her, but I will not let her murder my Clarke as she did Costia. 


Clarke's POV

Prince Roan of Ice Nation had taken me. I was ready to be taken back to his queen so she could kill me and absorb my power, but when the bag was lifted off my head and the bright light was done blinding me, it was none other than that betraying bitch kom trikru. 


A/N -from here on the story will be continued differently from the series-


Lexa's POV

It has been 4 days since Clarke's arrival. She will not let me see her. My heart hurts for how much pain she is in. When that bag was lifted off of her head I saw hatred in her eyes. 

As I thought about how much Clarke hates me, I cried in my chambers. 


It has been 8 days, over a week, since Clarke's arrival. I fix my long brunette hair into braids as usual and get dressed. On my way over to Clarke's chambers I run through what to say to her in my head, but when I get there I remember none of it. 

Clarke's POV

I sit on the giant bed in the quarters Lexa has given me. Fur blankets drape the bed, and candles fill the room. Then I hear a knock. 

There she is. The woman that betrayed me at Mount Weather, the one who made me kill an entire civilization by myself. Tears start to fill my eyes and as Lexa sees this, a look of worry appears on her face. 

Lexa walks quickly over to me and begins wiping away the tears on my face. I try to push her away but I am too taken over by sadness to have much strength. 

Lexa grabs my arms and says, "Hey, Clarke I'm here. You're going to be okay.." she enveloped me into a hug and stroked my back, soothing my tears away, "You're going to be okay..." The second time she said that it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. 

I lift my head up and look her in the eyes, tears still blurring my vision. "Lexa, you hurt me, so so much.." my voice cracked with sadness at the end. 

"I know Clarke, I know." Now tears were forming in her eyes. "I am so sorry, I never..meant to hurt you...I never meant to turn you into this." Now tears were flowing down her cheeks and my gut dropped. It hurts me to see her like this. 

Without thinking I grab her face and make her look up at me, "Hey, " I began, "I am okay, I will be okay Lexa."

"You were right Clarke," she said, "Life is about more than just surviving.." Her eyes darted to my lips and than back to my eyes and than lingered on my lips a bit longer. The space between us was getting closer and closer, our lips were almost touching when-

"Heda!" Titus barged through the door.

 Lexa scrambled up, "Titus I-"

"Heda you know love is weakness!" His eyes shifted to me, anger radiating them. 

"Maybe you should leave." I was surprised to hear myself speak up. Lexa was too, she looked at me and smiled at my support. 

"You will be the downfall of Heda and of the twelve clans!" Titus ran across the room and lunged at me before Lexa or I had any time to react. 

He pushed me against an open window, my back pressed hard up against the stone. Fear took over and I looked down, that had to be over fifty stories. 

I saw Lexa furious as she grabbed a sword from the ground and did an aerial flip over to us landing behind Titus with the sword at his neck. 

At this point the only thing keeping me from falling to my death was Titus, he had fistful of my shirt clenched in his hand and I knew it would not hold for long. "Lexa," I muttered looking into her fear stricken eyes. 

She looked at me in a longing way and spoke to Titus, "If you let her fall I will slit your throat immediately!" 

"You will slit my throat anyway," Titus countered. I felt his grip loosen on my shirt and then leave all together. 

"NO!" Lexa screamed as if someone  was torturing her. Being the incredible fighter that she is however, she slit Titus's throat, lunged over to the edge of the window and grabbed my hand as my body left the building. "I have you Clarke."

As Lexa pulled me up, my feet dangling out the window, my heart rate calmed itself a little bit. Once I was all in, we sat against the wall next to dead Titus and took a few shaky breaths. 

"I will never let you leave me Clarke kom skaikru" pain tinged Lexa's voice, "You saved me..." I replied. We joined in a passionate kiss, tears mixing on our cheeks. Lexa rested her head on my shoulder. She is truly sorry, I thought to myself. 

A/N -So there it is, the first chapter! Let me know what you guys think. I hope you liked it. If you did please vote for it if you don't mind so it will get more attention. Thank you for reading! The next chapter will probably be Claven or Princess Mechanic. I accept requests, so lmk if you have them!

Peace :)

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