I will protect you-HarperxReader

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Your POV

A sliver of sunshine slips through the tent's flap, waking me from my sleep. For a moment I forget I am on the ground, I forget about the grounders killing my friends one by one, I forget about what Murphy did...about Charlotte. I bask in the sunlight for a little longer and then it hits me. Sunlight, earth underneath me, it's all real, I really am on the ground. 

"Y/N!" I hear an angelic voice call out from outside the tent, "Y/N, come on, Bellamy says we all have to train, the grounders are expected to retaliate for the bridge!" Harper. The sound of her voice saying my name gives me butterflies in my stomach. I only just met her since we were seated next to each other on the drop ship, we have kind of been sticking together ever since. I can not let her or anyone else find out I like her, public rejection just isn't my sort of thing. 

"I'll be right out!" I blurt out a bit pathetically. Loser. Loser, loser, loser! I scold myself internally about how much of an idiot I probably sound like. 

"Y/N, you alright?" I jump at the unexpected voice to my left. Oh right, Octavia. Octavia and I share a tent, Bellamy says he doesn't trust her with anyone else -I lived right next door to them in factory station and Bellamy has always treated me like a younger sister -you can imagine my surprise when I found out he actually had one. 

"Yea, I'm fine O, just headed out to train. Come with?" 

"Nah, I think I'm going to do some more exploring today, you'll cover for me like usual right?"

"Of course" I said with a wink.

I start heading out of the tent when Octavia's voice stops me, "Oh and Y/N?" I look over to her attentively, "Harper seems like a cool chick". O's face breaks out into a huge grin and she starts laughing. My face goes scarlet red and I mutter a line of curses and 'shut up's with a scowl on my face. Of course this only makes O laugh harder. 

Harper's POV

I wait for Y/N by the entrance of the drop ship, What is taking her so long? I wonder. Finally I see a flustered looking Y/N running up to me from her tent. 

"I'm here, I'm here, please don't be mad". Y/N gives me that face of hers with puppy dog eyes and a slight frown. Not fair! That's too cute, now I can't be mad! I think. 

"You're late." Was all I managed to say. 

"sorry.." she said sheepishly looking at her shoes. 

"Hey," I cause her head to look up quickly and our eyes lock, "You're all good, you dork". Her frown changes to a grin and we walk together over to Bellamy who is talking to a large group of delinquents, each with knives in their hands forged from the drop ship. 

Bellamy's POV

"Listen up everyone, we have no idea when to expect retaliation for that bridge. It could be now, in an hour, or a week from now. It will probably come sooner rather than later though, so remember to stay on your top game and don't be afraid. We landed on this soil, the first people from the Ark in almost 100 years. We lost people on this soil, too many. We built our camp on this soil, this is our soil. And we will fight for it. We are on the ground now. We ARE grounders!" The group of teenagers break into jeers and start training. Good. I need them to be motivated. In truth, I do not think this will be nearly enough to keep the grounders out, but high morale is what we need so our camp doesn't break into full out chaos. 


After a long while of training I start to get tired and tell Harper that I'm going to get some water. As I fill up my jug and start to drink from it thirstily, I hear a commotion coming from the front of the gate. Against logical reasoning, I run over to check it out. Octavia is crouched down on the forest floor next to a bloodied and beaten body while a couple guys stand over it. No...it can't be...."Murphy..." The name escapes my lips and I get dizzy at the sight. "SOMEBODY! HELP!" I yell. 


Murphy's been taken into the drop ship by Bellamy and Clarke for questioning. I'm still queasy from the sight of his gory injuries. 

"Hey, Y/N, you alright?" Harper asks me. We are sitting on a log by the fire pit which is unlit. 

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply quickly and then look up at her, "Harper...I just...I'm scared. That was one guy. Murphy. Hell, he probably deserved it, but what's going to stop them from doing that...or worse...to all of us?" I feel my emotions getting the best of me as I fight back tears. 

Harpers face expresses worry in response to mine. "Y/N, look at me."She places her hand on my shoulder. I can feel my heart skip a beat at the contact. "Everything will be alright. That wall will protect you" She gestures to the scraggly line of wood and drop ship materials that surround the camp, "This knife will protect you," Her free hand is placed onto mine that grips my drop ship knife tightly. She looks into my eyes with passion, "I will protect you". With that, the space between our lips is quickly closed and we sink into a lust filled kiss. Now, I let my emotions take over and can feel a stray tear roll down my cheek. Just as things were getting more heated, Harper stops abruptly. 

Oh great, I think, I've ruined things once again haven't I?. "Harper?" I ask tentatively. I search her face for a reason for the abrupt stop. 

"Oh my god.." Her voice shakes, "Y/N your eyes!" I reach up to my face quickly and my hand returns with blood. Crap


Comment if you want a part 2 of this!

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