Grounders are not bad -GrounderxOC Part 1

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My name is Dylan. Here is a little information to get to know me better: I am the youngest girl out of the 100...well now that Charlotte is um...gone. I am 13 years old and I was arrested for stealing rations when I was 12. I'm from Mecha station. 

My dad died when I was 8, he was floated for assaulting a guard when he was drunk one day. After that, my mom got severely depressed and we didn't really have much income. I was pretty much the only one keeping myself alive. Well myself, Finn Collins and Raven Reyes. Raven couldn't do much to help as she was struggling too, but when she could she would. Even though they are both about 5 years older than me, they always looked out for me because our quarters are close, we're all from Mecha. 

The ground is scary, I'm surrounded by a bunch of unpredictable teenage delinquents, but what's even worse are the grounders. You can't even leave camp without risking your life. At least I have Finn with me. Raven is up on the Ark, I hope they send people down soon...I miss her. 

Right now I'm sitting on a log by a fire with two boys named Jasper and Monty, Finn told them to watch me while he was gone with Clarke and everyone else. Word eventually got back to the camp that Charlotte killed herself. I didn't really know her but it's very sad. Even if she did kill Wells. 

I looked up at the starry night sky, "Do you know any constellations Jasper?" I asked. 

"Hmm, ok you see those three stars all in a line right there?" He began. 

I nodded. 

"That's Orions belt" 

"cool" I breathed out. The air was a little cold but bearable with the warmth of the crackling fire beside us. 

We all continued to look up. Eventually a bright light came into view and sped across the night sky. "Wow," I began, "is that a shooting star?"

"No...I don't think so Dylan." Monty responded under his breath. 

As the bright light sped closer I could see flames engulfing  it, "is it...from the Ark?" I asked, this time worry laced my voice. 

More people started to notice the thing flying toward the Earth. "Bellamy get out here!" a delinquent shouted. 

A shirtless Bellamy emerged from a nearby tent. Octavia walked over as well. "There." She pointed toward the shooting object. 

"They're coming to help us." Someone else said, "Now we can kick some grounder ass". A few people cheered in agreement. 

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo" a girl mumbled. 

The teenagers in the camp continued to speculate as to what could be in the pod that crash landed. A small group of people that were somewhat in charge gathered in a tent, probably discussing what to do. 

"Hey Monty, Jasper?" The two older boys look over to me, "don't you think the grounders might try to investigate a giant hunk of metal that fell from the sky before we get to it?"

"That is actually a good point..." Jasper whispers. 

"Hey, don't act like I never have them." I laugh. 

"I'm sure Bellamy's team is going to investigate very soon Dylan, it will be alright." Monty reassured. 

"No they're not." Octavia's disgruntled voice comes up from behind me. "He wants to wait until sunrise." I turn to see that she looks very irritated. 

"That's not very smart, is it?" I question aloud. 

All of a sudden, I hear Finns voice, "how are you supposed to know something like that?"

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