I Fell For a Princess -Clarktavia

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Clarke's POV

It's been a couple hours since we've landed on the ground. Rations won't last us forever and we don't have a big water supply. As I contemplate these thoughts while I'm sitting on a rock off to the side of camp holding a map of the area, I can't help but feel eyes on me. I turn my head in the crisp autumn air to spot a head of dark brown hair quickly retreat behind the drop ship. Is someone watching me?

Octavia's POV

This is the most free I've felt my entire life. The 99 other prisoners I was sent to the ground with radiate excitement as they socialize. Everything is so green, I spin around with my head back and take in the treetops poking at the blue sky. I can tell that there are eyes on me, after all I'm the illegal 2nd child that hid underneath the floor for 16 years. 

As I stop spinning I spot a head of blonde hair off to the side of everyone else. Clarke. Bellamy told me a bit about her as a warning when we landed. 

"Careful for that one O" He gestured towards the girl with the icy blue eyes, "She's a princess, grew up with privilege. It shouldn't be long before she tries to take over just like her mother who is on the council. The same council that floated our mother." 

I clenched my jaw as I remember what Bellamy had said to me. However curiosity wins over as I hide behind the edge of the drop ship to get a closer look at this "princess". She looks to be in deep thought, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked down at a map. It's hard to be angry at a princess when she's so pretty. Wait- what did I just think? No- I didn't mean that..I like guys anyway... Clarke's head whips around as she spots me. My eyes widen with fear as I quickly pull my head back behind the drop ship. That was close. 

Bellamy's POV

I spot Octavia by the drop ship and take her over to a tent she could have. "Thanks Bell" 

"No problem O, my sister, my responsibility." Octavia scoffs at that, but can''t hide her smile. "C'mon Octavia lets get back to the group". As we walk over I spot the princess, and Wells looking at a map as Jasper Jordan hits on Clarke. 

"They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer." I catch from Jasper once I'm in earshot of the small group. 

Suddenly Wells grabs Jasper by the arm, "You mind?" Jasper starts to ease off, intimidated by Wells a bit. 

I'm about to intervene when John Murphy approaches the trio with a gang of guys he's already managed to assemble, "Hands off, he's with us" Murphy tells Wells. 

"Relax," Wells starts as he takes his hands off of Jasper, "We're just trying to figure out where we are." 

I'm fed up with the privileged running everything as I see Wells trying to take up a leadership position with the princess. At this point I feel the need to intervene, "We're on the ground," I take a few steps closer, "that not good enough for you?"

"We need to find Mount Weather, you heard my fathers message," Wells counters, "that has to be our first priority." 

I can sense O getting angered beside me, "Screw your father," she interjects, "What you think you're in charge here? You, and, your little princess?"

Octavia's POV

I poked the bear, Bell and I saw Wells and Clarke trying to be leaders of the group just like he warned, we were going to stop them. I can't help but feel my heart race as Clarke steps forward and speaks up, "Do you think we care who's in charge?" She starts, "We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be." As she finishes up, people start to gather around, listening to her every word. 

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