Faking It -Princess Mechanic

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Raven's POV

I've only been on the ground for a little while, but I've already been able to establish a visual connection with the ark to go along with the radio. As I smile proudly at my work, kids begin to line up to talk to their parents. 

"Hey Raven" Clarke taps my shoulder from behind, "Good work with the visual transmission to the ark, you should take a break...maybe hang out with Finn for a little while..." she tried. 

I smirked at her suggestion, "Are we ignoring the whole 'you slept with my boyfriend' thing now?" Clarke inhaled sharply and looked at the ground awkwardly. "Clarke -I'm just teasing you, relax. Besides, Finn and I are in a bit of a rough patch right now." 

That got her attention, "Oh.." Clarke began, "sorry I didn't realize.."

"Just like you didn't realize your spacewalker had another girl." What? I couldn't help myself it was too easy. Now Clarke was getting a bit flustered. 

"I don't even like guys that much anyway ok? You can have Finn all to yourself...whatever was going on between us meant nothing to me. Hopefully that will fix your rough patch." Clarke huffed. Woah...wasn't expecting that. 

"it's ok," I reassure her, "truthfully he hasn't really loved me for a while...he left that love with me when he fell to the ground." Shit this just got deep...

"I'm sorry Raven..." Clarke looks me in the eyes and places a hand on my shoulder. The space between us is closing and I'm letting it. Why am I letting it? I don't like Clarke like that and I shouldn't hurt her by leading her on. I guess I let it happen because all I need now is someone to comfort me...how selfish. 

Clarke's POV 

And I kissed her. My heart is racing. Our lips press firmly together for a good moment, my eyes are closed and i pull her closer to me. It's a good thing we are behind the drop ship so no one else can see us. Who would've thought? Me and Raven Reyes. It felt good. Way better than with Finn, she kissed back, that has to mean she feels the same way. 

Raven's POV

Nothing. I felt nothing. I'm just not into girls and this confirmed it. However I feel too alone to do anything to stop her. So I let Clarke kiss me, I even kissed back a little. I know it's selfish but I just needed touch, I needed someone to care for me right now. I wouldn't mind letting this go on a little longer...until I've moved on from Finn. 


I know this is a short and evil one. Also the title was a reference, who got it? Should I make a part two of this? It could go many ways.... Also any requests? That's all for now, Ill try and update more regularly and make sure to comment and vote!


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