Where were you? bastard

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1 week passed

Today's different, they told me someone wanted to visit me.
I have nobody, who could it be?

After I killed that woman I went...
silent, I wouldn't speak nor eat.

I took a shower and the guards gave me clothes, I had to seem "well" to the visitors.
I was wearing a yellow tee shirt and a black jean, as simple as that.

The douchebaguard was murdered in his sleep, I'm not even surprised.

They lead me to the visitor's room.

I was facing the wall, there were writings, it surprised me.

"I'll never forget you", "See you dad! - 10/10/14", we are in 2019, "I don't think I can come and visit you anymore, I've found someone else, sorry" feelsbad bro, I thought to myself.

I hear familiar voices,
I turn around and I see Captain America, Iron man, Spider man and Thor

I thought my tears were dry, oh boy... I was so wrong, I stare at Steve, he looks at me with a huge smile, I approach him, show him a bitter smile and slap him

Tears starts running down my cheek, my heart hurts again, I can barely inhale and exhale.

I started mumbling because the words wouldnt come out "Where..." I exhale, take a deep breathe and shout "Where were you? You bastard"

They looked at me with a shocked expression on their faces, Steve's smile vanished.

"We came here to get you out"
I laughed, "Get me out? Two months, you stupid ba-..." I punched him in the chest, it hurted him a little, he grabbed my hand "I'm sorry, we are sorry we couldn't come SOONER, they wouldnt let us see you, but now we are here"

I wipe my tears "Get me out of here"

We were in the car, driving.
Nothing had changed,everyone was silent.
I finally decided to ask
"Where's Loki?"
"He is sleeping" said Tony.

I sighed, I was not even sure if I wanted to see him again, After I left him.
I'm not even sure if I have feelings anymore.

What did they do to me ?

We finally came infront of the building, I was still silent.
I had changed a little, my hair grew longer, my skin turned pale due to not going out.

We go in the elevator, I was here in the middle of these man's.
Am I really an Avenger ?


I go in the living-room, everyone smiled and got up when they saw me, well.. "everyone", Loki wasnt there.

I ignored all of them, and I went to Loki's room, tried opening the door but it was closed.

Peter came next to me, "He locked himself and he won't answer"

I felt so bad, "Lok-" My voice broke and I had trouble swallowing "Loki?" I said in a shaky voice, I heard a noise coming from the room, Peter left.

He finally opened the door, he had changed too, his eyes seemed... Lifeless, his hair grew longer.

I stared at him, "Loki"
I hugged him while I burst into tears, I was crying like a little girl.
We stood like that crying in his room.

When we calmed a little bit down I wiped my tears, we were lying on the bed and I had my head on his chest

"What did they do to you?" He said while playing with my hair.

"Horrible things" I replied,
"Like what?",he was hugging me so tightly, like he wouldn't want to let me go.

I sighed "That woman, I had to kill her and she was the nicest guard" I stopped to inhale

"She suffered so bad, Loki, she was dying infront of me and I did nothing to help, I just stared at her, I watched her die and I'm not even sad about it"

"Y/n don-" I knew what he was going to say, I don't want someone to tell me to not worry, I just want to forget right now "Should we cut your hair ?"

He looked at me, confused "It would be great, I guess"
I stood up "take a shower, I have to go to my room right now"
He raised his eyebrows
"A shower? Why?" I rolled my eyes "Don't think about anything weird, It's just that I can cut your hair better"
He grabbed a towel and got in the shower.

I was in my room, nothing changed, I grabbed the diary I hid under my bed and started reading it and I stumbled on these words:

"I love the Avengers! And now I am APART of the Avengers! Can you believe that ?! I'm a hero ! My mission will be next week! Oh my GOD!"

I laughed, I grabbed a pencil, i Always loved writing in that diary, It's the one my mother offered me before she...

I started writing
"Do they really care about me though?

I feel like I'm left out, maybe the SHIELD introduced me to them so that they would keep an eye on me like they do on Loki, but they made me believe I was a part of them.
A part of the Avengers.
How pathetical am I?"

Some tears fell down on my cheeks, I closed the diary.
Like I said, I really need some advices :/ I wanna know what you guys think about the story :/


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