Love Rival

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As I was storming away like a child who didn't get their way I felt a small hand grab my wrist.

"What're you doing (Y/N)? I can just teleport us back." Yamuraiha said.

"Then why did we see you two walking instead of teleporting?" I spoke up.

"We teleported here, but sharkkan refused to directly teleport to you guys because he was 'relying too much on magic'." She put air quotes around those words;mocking him.

"Oh shaddup' will you?! You magicians are always so weak anyways!" Sharkkan shouted at Yam.

"What did you say?!" Oh we go again. Sinbad finally decided to speak.

"Yamurahai, Sharkkan, we should focus on getting (Y/N) home to Simawi. She's been gone from her people for too long. About two months too long" he said sternly, throughly scolding the two of them.

"But Sinbad, (Y/N) still hasn't decided to join the alliance!" Yamuraiha shouted in defiance.

"It's fine," I stood in between the three of them. "I've decided that I will take part of it, and we'll discuss trade routes another time; right now I should be getting home."

"Yes, your majesty..." Yamuraiha looked down sadly, and made us a portal to go through. We all walked through it, and we ended up at the front gates of my castle. The guards looked startled and on alarm by a random portal appearing, but looked reliably to see it was me.

"My Queen!" One of the guards said, "we've missed you dearly! The vizier was starting to get overwhelmed by all the royal duties. He'll be glad to see you've returned!" Sinbad has remained oddly quiet about this whole ordeal, but I've decided not to dwell on it. He's been through a lot of emotional stress since he almost lost a foreign queen coming over to discuss peace and trade deals. I'd imagine how easily war would have been declared, had I not been found. The guards let us through the gates and escorted us into the castle. Eventually, we made it to the throne room after about fifteen minutes of awkward silence.

"Here we are my queen, Mesbin will be happy to see you again!" The guards headed back to their posts.

"Mesbin? A guy's name?" Sinbad pointed out.

"Ah yeah, I met him when I first usurped the throne. It hasn't been a very long time since we met, but I've come to know him extremely well. So well, that I can leave the country in his hands for months." I said, unthinking of how Sinbad might react.

Sinbad narrowed his eyes slightly, but didn't speak. Meanwhile, Yamuraiha and Sharkkan were watching awkwardly.

I opened the doors to the throne room, and saw the familiar black locks I was accustomed to seeing.

"Lady (Y/N)!" Mesbin spun around, revealing his defined facial features, and crystal blue eyes. He quickly gave me a hug.

"Mesbin, it's been a while." I said, trying to keep my excitement under control. The reality of me finally coming home was starting to sink in.

"Oh? And who's this?" Mesbin's arms let go of me. He started making his way to Sinbad. Both of them were handsome, but side by side it was obvious who the clear winner was.

"Sinbad, this is my advisor and one of my closest friends." I smiled at the both of them, hoping that Sinbad could be mature for just 5 seconds.

Sinbad narrowed his eyes slightly, but then looked at me. His face softened, and he decided to shake Mesbin's hand.

Mesbin looked at me, and then at Sinbad. He did this a few more times, until a mischievous smile crept onto his face. "Why don't you relax (Y/N), while me and Sinbad get to know each other!" He slung his arm around Sinbad's shoulder, as if they were close friends.

" That sounds fantastic! I haven't had some time for myself since forever!" I clapped my hands together happily. "Why don't Yamuraiha and I-" I turned to see her and Sharkkan were gone. "Huh? Where did she go..."

"Oh, don't worry~! I'm sure she and her boyfriend went off to spend time together!" Mesbin waved it off as if it was nothing. Sinbad shifted the his weight onto his other foot in discomfort. "Well, me and Sinny are off!"

"W-wait!" I shouted.

They both shifted their gaze to me, just before they turned around.

"Sinbad...are you feeling ok? You seem under the weather..." Sinbad widened his eyes slightly and took a few small steps towards me.

"Now that you are here...nothing could be farther from the truth." He took my hand and kissed it tenderly. I flushed beat red.

"WELL, GOODNIGHT!" I yelled and ran away.

Sinbad POV:

She ran away...

"Bahaha!" I heard that asshole begin to laugh. "I bet lady (Y/N) is the first woman to turn you down!" I gritted my teeth, but held my tongue. No matter what the circumstances, I cannot lash out on her advisor. Otherwise she'd hate me...

"Don't worry you're kingliness, you have plentiful of other women to lead on. Even if (Y/N) Is beautiful, she's just a dime a dozen in the looks department." Mesbin shrugged his shoulders. "But I do see the appeal of her, she's not a woman that I'd give up so easily..."

I shot a glare right at him.

"How bout' a bet?" He gave off a sly grin and whispered in my ear. "Whoever claims her virginity gets to keep her..."

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