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Okay but those are screenshots from videos on my insta story 364 days ago I look so fucking different I—

Also in the videos I'm blasting MCR in the car while drinking Starbucks just so you know

"(Y/N)," Halsey whined as she rubbed my back. "What the hell do you want," I muttered, sitting up. "Let's fuck," she bluntly said as I gave her a strange look. "As much as I would... hate that," I sighed, stretching my arms over my head, "I do not have sexual slash romantic attraction to you, and there are two dudes with amazing hearing separated from us by only a thin wall."

"WE HEARD THAT!" Dallon and Brendon shouted in unison.

"...Yes, and the fact that you're very sad right now, because of the words '(Y/N)'s disgusting'," Halsey countered. I rolled my eyes, placing my head on her shoulder. "What the hell is his problem, though?" I cracked my knuckles, sighing once again.

Halsey then began to chuckle involuntary.

"What the hell?" I looked at her, confused. She giggled, "remember that one time when he was in eighth grade and you were in seventh?" "...Yes Halsey, I remember when Ryan and I were in middle school..."

Halsey rolled her eyes, "I let me continue! Anyway, one day you hugged him, and Brendon wouldn't stop teasing him about it?" Halsey looked at me for confirmation as I nodded my head from atop her shoulder. "Yes... who could forget that... memorable experience," I emphasized the last two words to show sarcasm. Even though I thought it was impossible, Halsey's smile widened even more. "He had a boner that you caused once you hugged him."

Halsey and I just stared at each other for a minute, until the charcoal gray door of my  room burst open, revealing an average height, pale blonde dressed in black skinny jeans, a black and yellow flannel rolled up to his elbows, and some yellow hightop converse, and a tremendous smile standing in the doorway.

"I dyed my hair yellow!" Gerard exclaimed, sliding into the room. Halsey clapped with amusement and I patted the spot in front of me on my bed, gesturing Gerard to come sit down. He closed my bedroom door before doing so. "Hey sweetheart," Gerard smiled, greeting me with a hug. His presence immediately brightened my mood.

"You look like a lemon, Gee," I smiled. "A beautiful lemon, I hope," Gerard smiled back, as I rested my head on his right shoulder. "Am I the only one who didn't know he had a boner?" I asked, referring to the previous conversation topic. "Yeah," Gerard and Halsey said in unison. The fact that Gerard immediately knew what I was referring to surprised me, but also pissed me off a bit, knowing that he also knew. "He made us swear to never tell you," Gerard stated. "Gerard, why do you look so cute today?" I lifted my head from off his shoulder and turned to head to look at him, taking in his natural beauty. "I wanted to match my previously referred to 'lemon hair'," Gerard explained, as I rolled my eyes. "He's cute like a puppy," Halsey opinionated, even though it was basically a fact. "Yeah. Hmm, we're gonna name you Lemon Gee," I smiled as Gerard laughed. "I am now known as Lemon Gee, and I am hungry boy."


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