Hunter For Yales Peak: part of book 2

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Book two: Open Roads
Half of Chapter one,
Hunter for Yale's Peak.
I held the rifle in my hands as I walked down the trail where the walkers came through. Tracking herds was hard and easy at the same time, you just had to look for chaos while avoiding death. I was a paid gun for hire, it was the only job I could find. After Hugo and the farm, I  started raising a little girl, Amber. Problem was, raising a kid was hard. She needed food, water, and constant attention. I ended up finding a place that could support us: Yales Peak. The community was ran by a older Chinese man and his son, they were trying to rebuild. Trying to give us something.

I ended up working so I could support the little girl I have been taking care of the past two and a half years. It was hard, but, so far I was doing it. Amber was almost five or six now, which meant we could leave that needy community and go on our own. Maybe back to Georgia....

"Where did you fucks walk off to?" I cursed as I had to stop where the tracks ended. Soon as they hit the tree line, it was like they disapeared. I needed to take care of those flesh bags before it reached a place called Hill Top or another community near there. It would be about a four day walk, but my company was payed to stop the herd from going there. I knelt down and examined the ground, I was looking for faint tracks, blood, teeth, cloth. Basically anything that could fall off those creepy flesh bags. I was using a technique Hugo taught me when I was four. We used it for hunting rabbits, but, I guess it could work on the dead as well.

"East..." I mumbled once I found the main direction. I stood up and continued to follow through the woods until I found, once again, the obvious tracks of a herd. I smiled in relief once I saw the tracks were fairly fresh, this was good. It meant they were close. I reached for the side pocket on my backpack and pulled out one of my five air horns. "Party time." I joked to myself as I ran down the path.

About half way down, I saw them, Their rotting, smelly corpses. I cringed at the stench and held the air horn up "this a-way Chompers!" I yelled just before pressing down on the button. A loud honk rang obnoxiously out the other end of the horn. The zombies turned around and started to follow me. "Let's go bitches!" I signaled them with the horn a few more times as I ran down the path away from them. I followed down the main road until I came across the junk yard I was meant to herd them into. The fence was still sturdy looking and the trash walls were still pretty high, a good place to keep them. I ran to the gate and opened it, no walkers came to the door, Not even to that annoying air can. I ran in the junk yard and ran through it carefully. I didn't want a walker to just be hanging out under some trash.

Once I reached the other side, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a little remote control. I smiled as I held it in my hand, it was the remote to an old RC car that Preston gave me to distract the dead. I pulled off my back pack and unclipped the metal framed car. It was an old Toy Bot car that made noises with one of the buttons on the remote. I tossed the car on the ground where the walkers would soon be and climbed the fence, the dead close behind. they began to surround me on the fence and I hopped off the other side to safety. I quickly booked it back to the front of the junk yard to close the fence. I continued to press the button, hearing the echoing rattle of a prerecorded engine. I smiled at the thought of the walkers trying to take a bite out of that. I'm When I reached the front I quickly slid the gates closed and wrapped the chain back around the handles. I smiled with pride, I finished my job and Hill Top was safe. Maybe I would look into this Hill Top, maybe Amber and I could move there and get out of that gang ridden community we were in.

"LET ME GO!!" A girls voice in the distance screamed in distress. I quickly turned around in the direction it was coming from. I narrowed my eyes at the woods, I still heard screams. So, the girl was close. I slid the remote back into my pocket and ran into the woods, completely forgetting to mark the junk yard gate. I jumped over fallen trees carefully, not wanting to attract the people in the woods. Once I was close enough, I saw a group of men. Oddly enough, they looked familiar... to familiar for my own liking.
To Be Continued....

"Open Roads" should be released around mid-late August or early September. I know my grammar is not the best, but I will be going back through both the books and fixing them. My writing should get better now that I'm going into my junior year of high school, but, who knows? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little snip of the book "Open Roads", chapter one "Hunter For Yale's Peak".


The book, Open Roads, release will be some time later, I've been busy with school and my job at the moment, and since I've noticed a lot wrong with the chapters I've written, including the sneak peak above. I know my writing in general is not that good, and I know that this book is probably poorly written... the ideas that I had for Who We Are were all never really put into this book.... I had a lot of chapters that did not make sense, or were rushed/not important. So I might go back and re-write this book too.

I'll release the new sneak peak of Open Roads once chapter one is finished. Same concept as the one above, but written better. Sorry for the delay (if you cared) I'll try to get to writing my bad books 😅. If you guys have ANY input, or would like to take my book and rewrite/help me review it, please do! Criticize me until you forget where you placed your kneecaps!
But anyway, thank you guys! I'll try and release the better chapter(s?) hopefully by December or January. Or maybe sooner. ❤️

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