Unexpected Love (AU Part 1)

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Before we get started, I want to apologize for Aang acting like a brat in this chapter. I had to do it to make this work :')

Chapter 1: Stars leads to Love

The Gaang had just landed somewhere between trees and sand near Ghashiun. They were set to go to Ba Sing Se but Appa hasn't been feeling too well, so they decided to rest up while they can. Well they as in Aang,Katara and Toph.

"Guys There's no time to rest! The eclipse is a few weeks away and we have yet to tell the Earth king!" Sokka exclaimed as he watched his friends hop off of Appa, to set up camp.

"Sokka, there's no way Appa will be able to fly us to Ba Sing Se with him being like this!" Katara exclaimed. She points at the flying bison. "I mean look at him! His eyes are barely open and his nose is running!"

"Calm down guys. Sokka, let's just rest up a few more days, so Appa can get better." Aang said, petting the bison's white fur.

Appa groans loudly as he falls to his side and closes his eyes.

Katara looks around. "Has anyone seen Toph?" She asked as she scans the small campsite.

"Yeah. When we landed, she left towards the woods over there." Sokka points out.

"Hey Katara, do you want to come find some fire wood with me?" Aang asked, slightly blushing as he plays with his thumbs.

"Sorry Aang. I'm going to go find Toph. I'm worried she'll stay out all night and it's pretty late already. Be back soon." Katara said, not even sparing him a glance as she hooks her water pouch to her waist.

The airbender frowns, sadden that he couldn't spend time with the girl he loves. "Ok..." He replies as he watches the waterbender head into the forest.

Toph lays on the ground, facing towards the dark sky, hands behind her head as she sighs. The ground around her either holes or rocks that had crashed into the floor.

Usually she destroys the area around her out of anger or frustration, however this time was a whole different situation.

Why does my heart speed up like crazy when she's near by or talking....am I nervous or afraid of her? No... There's no reason to be nervous or afraid of Katara...

Toph lets out a loud shout of frustration as she slams her fist aganist the dirt, causing a slight dent in it.

"What the heck is this feeling?!" She wondered out loud.

The blind earthbender sits up as she feels her heart race more quickly.

What's she doing all the way out here?

"So when do you plan on coming out Sugar Queen?" Toph teases, trying to ignore her racing heart.

She felt Katara shuffle from behind the trees and made her way over to the 12 year old.

"Sometimes I forget how great your senses are." Katara giggles. She takes a seat next to the blind girl.

"Well duh! You're looking at the greatest earthbender in the world!" Toph grins as she points her thumb towards herself in pride.

"Right." Katara rolls her eyes.

Toph can feel the waterbender's concerned eyes on her.

"Everything okay Toph? I mean you kinda left without saying anything and not to mention, this area is completely destroyed." Katara asked, as she watches her friend, who continues to stare at the night sky.

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