Unexpected Love (Au part 2)

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Sokka sat on one of the cushions and examined the food that was placed on the table.

"Which one should I eat first...." He thought out loud as drool came from his mouth. He looked at the red apple that laid in the center and went to grab it.

Momo flew in the room and landed in front of Sokka and titled his head at the water tribe boy.

Sokka paused and looked at the lemur, who began to eye the food. "Momo. Don't you dare..."

Momo screeched at the bit and took off with red apple that Sokka was about to grab. Sokka shouted and got up to chase after the lemur. "Momo! Give me that!"

Momo flew around the table with Sokka hot on his tail. They went a few laps around before Sokka came up with an idea.

He spun around and grabbed the lemur who ran straight into his hands with a surprised shriek. Sokka laughed in triumph and reached for his stolen apple but found nothing.

"Huh?!" Sokka exclaimed. Momo looked at the water tribe boy and let out a small burp. "Gah! Momo! How do you fly super fast and eat at the same time?!"

Sokka let go of the lemur and plopped back on the cushion with his arms crossed. Just as he did so, the door opened.

"Those girls had it coming. No one messes with the blind bandit." Toph exclaimed, putting her hands behind her head.

"Haha they messed with the wrong girl! Oh hey Sokka!" Katara replied. She looked at the pouting boy and snickered. "Let me guess. Momo ate your food."

"Momo is a thief! A flying thief!"

Katara giggled and looked back at the young earthbender. "Let's get this stuff off of us so we can go out to look for Appa."

Tooh nodded and made her way to her room. Katara stayed behind and looked at her brother. "Is Aang still gone?"

"No. He's in his room. Hasn't came out at all." Sokka replied. He got up to grab his boomerang.

"Odd... I'm going to go check on him." Katara replied. Sokka looked at his sister and nodded before placing his hand on her arm.

"Listen... I don't know whats up with him lately but be careful... I mean he's our friend and all but he's also the Avatar. It seems like if he gets extremely upset or mad, he goes into the Avatar state." Sokka said, frowning, looking down the hall.

"Sokka Aang is just upset about Appa being gone. He won't do anything out of turn." Katara said. She placed her hand on his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I'll be fine. Take Toph with you to search for Appa. I'll catch up."

"Alright." Sokka turned and walked out the door.

Katara sighed and went down the hall. To her left was Aang's room and to her right was Toph's. She knocked on Toph's door. "Sokka is waiting for you outside. I'll be with you guys shortly."


She smiled and turned towards Aang's room and knocked gently. The door slowly creeped open at the contact of her hand. "Aang? Are you there?"

She heard a sigh. "What do you want Katara...."

Katara frowned and stepped into the room. There were a few candles lit. Aang was laying down on his side facing the wall. Katara frowned and stepped closer to the Avatar. "What's wrong Aang?"

"What do you mean what's wrong? There's a lot of things wrong, Katara..." Aang replied.

"Right... Stupid of me to ask that. Listen, we will find Appa. He's somewhere in this city. It's not easy to hide a furry flying bison." Katara said, trying to lighten him up but failed.

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