Unexpected Love 7

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A/N: I just wanna say, the comments that I'm getting on here are hilarious. Really makes my day when I see them

Sorry for the long wait! I already stated that this wouldn't be updated as quickly as my other books so bare with me :')
Sokka, Aang and Zuko stood near Appa as they watched Katara run off.

Aang looked up at Sokka with a confused expression as he watches his crush disappear inside. "What is it, Sokka?"

Sokka looks at Zuko, silently pleading for some help but the prince glanced away as he whistled.

Sokka groaned before placing his arm around the monk. "Sooo... We need to talk."

"About what exactly? Is it about Toph?" Aang said, running his hand through his hair. "I know I have to apologize and make up-"

"Not about Toph. About Katara." Sokka cut him off.

Aang stiffened at the mention of his crush. "W-What about Katara?"

"Uh..." Sokka trailed as he tried to find the words.

Zuko rolled his eyes. "You have a massive crush on her."

"Hey! I was gonna say that!" Sokka whined.

Aang tugged his neck collar as he glances at the two. "H-How'd you guys know?"

"It was really obvious, Aang. Even Momo knew." Sokka snickered before clearing his throat.

"So why do you need to talk about my crush on Katara?" Aang asked, getting a little impatient.

"Okay, I'm just going to be blunt about this Aang... Katara doesn't like you..." Sokka cringed as he waited for a reaction.


Zuko spoke up this time. " What he meant to say was that Katara only sees you as a friend. Nothing more." He said, glaring at Sokka, who shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

Aang frowned as he looked down at the ground before looking at Sokka. "How do you know that?"

"Well... I spoke with Katara on the ship. Sorry buddy." Sokka sighed, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"W-What if she didn't want to tell you, Sokka? She could still like me you know!" Aang replied, pushing Sokka's hand off and balled his fist. "I'm sure she likes me! That's why we kissed in the lover's cave!"

"But Aang-"

"I'm going to tell her how I feel tonight!" Aang announced before turning away to walk more into the village.

Sokka and Zuko watched as he walked away from the two older boys.

"That could of gone way better..." Sokka muttered.

"You suck at this." Zuko bluntly said as he ran his hand through Appa's fur.

"Hey! I don't have a lot of experience with this stuff! I only liked two girls my whole life!" The watertribe boy exclaimed.

"And I'm currently dating my first girlfriend and I handled the situation much better." Zuko replied, raising an eyebrow with a smug smirk.

Sokka grumbled as he glared at the firebender. "You are SO lucky, we're on the same side now."
Katara sat in the chair as she looked at her friend with a smile. "Other than getting hurt, how's it been?"

"Same old stuff that I told you in the letters. Though I did get captured one time." Toph chuckled darkly as she thinks about the two guys that she trapped in the metal trap. "THAT was fun!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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