Unexpected Love AU 3

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When Toph woke from her slumber, she immediately noticed the silence. Way too quiet.

She stands up and felt the vibrations surrounding her. Since they moved to the more drier ground, it was easier to see.

However, as she scanned her area, she realized Aang was no where around.

"Uh Twinkletoes? Are you up in the trees or something."

No response.

Toph was getting a little worried now. She stretched her sight out farther to figure out exactly where she is.

There wasnt a single person near her. All she covered was ground and mushy land.

Her senses did tell her that there was a bag about 2 feet away from her. She walked over and stuck her hand in. She pulled out an apple. The bag was full of food.

Then Toph paused. Aang disappearing.... Bag of food just randomly here... No people....

The Earthbender deeply scowled and clenched the apple so hard, it crumbled in her hands.

"That airhead has done it now! I will find him and crush him!" Toph shouted out to no one.

She took the bag of food and tossed it on her shoulder and stomped her way forward. Of course she has no idea where she's going but she'll search every rock corner of the world to find Aang.

She knew he was still mad at her. She could tell by how fiercely he was training with her.

"I can't believe this.... Ugh!" Toph groaned. She used her bending to boost her movement to where she's skating across the ground. Surely there's a town nearby...

"Guys look!" Sokka called out. Aang and Katara rushed over to the boomerage boy. 

They see a metal lid that leads underground. Maybe Appa was down there. The lid was already opened.

"Someone must be down there already." Aang said as he glides down. The water tribe siblings follow him. .

"One of us should stay up here for look out." Aang suggested.

Katara nodded and took a step back. "There's water up here. I can stop whoever comes over."

Aang was about to protest but Sokka pushed him down the hole. "Stay safe little sister." And he jumped down.

"There's so many rooms..." Sokka sighed.

"Well we'll just look for the bigger one." Aang replied, as he walks through the halls.

"Wherever that is... Toph would of lead us straight to it if she was here."

Aang frowned. "Can we not speak about a dead friend?"


After about 15 minutes, they finally came across an big room that had large chains sticking out from the sides. The chains were broken and no one was in the room. Appa's fur was on the ground.

"Appa was here... And someone took him." Aang closed his eyes. He sighed sadly. "Will I ever find my bison..."

The ground shook, throwing the boys off balance. Aang could hear shouting and screams from above. He gets back up and drags Sokka back down the hall.

They climbed back up the hole and saw Katara fighting many Earthbenders. They were quickly overpowering her.

Aang jumped up and kicked towards the men, using his airbending to blow them away. However they quickly got back up.

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