3: dark

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    Here we are. On our way to alley Keene's Pharmacy to fix the new kid who had a run in with Henry and his goons. The least I can say is, it looks horrible. I had a matching H on my thigh, and it hurt like hell when I got mine. Id been in town since I could remember but when my dad lived with us I lived in constant fear of everyone judging me like he did. But once he left I started being more true to myself, which meant dressing however I wanted. This led to me denying Henry the right to try and take my virginity. He was so pissed he pulled out a switch blade and carved an H into my thigh so no one else would touch me. It wasn't huge like Ben's but it was still pretty bad. As we stopped in the alley next to Keene's I helped Ben sit on a crate and then sat on the concrete block near him. "Ok so me, Bill and Stan are gonna go inside." Eddie said, taking off. Bill and Stan stumbled after him an around the corner.  "Glad I got to meet you before you died." Richie said looking down at Ben. "Don't be an ass, Rich." I said as I fixed my glasses. "Hello Ben, I am Alice Green. Your local tomboy with cool glasses and an even cooler personality." I said and shot him finger guns. He laughed and soon stopped to clench his hand over his wound. "OH! Sorry." I opened my bag and pulled out a towel I had in it. "Press this on it." I handed Ben the cloth and he mumbled a 'thanks.' before going back to hissing through his teeth. I looked up to richie who was fidgeting. I rolled my eyes. "So, why'd Henry rough you up?" I asked ben as I leaned in to show him I was being genuine. He looked over at me and sighed. " 'Cause I'm fat? 'Cause I'm new? I'm not sure. Probably both." He looked sad. "Damn." I said and rolled up my shorts. "I have a scar too." I said and showed Ben the H on my pale, freckles skin. "Oh man! Why'd he do that?" Richie suddenly was ready to talk. "Don't ask." He snapped. "Shut up trashmouth, just sit." I said as Richie gave me a stink eye. He shook his head. "Nah I'm good, unless that seat is between your legs." He winked. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway," I continued and looked at Ben again. "He cut me because I wouldn't sleep with him. In my defense he's disgusting. And I was 11." Ben gagged and I nodded.

    Richie kept squirming and moving. "Sit down asshat, you look like you've got an unsolvable boner." I said and closed my eyes, rubbing my temples. "Only for you Blondie." He said and winked again and I laughed lightly. "Ew Richie." I said with a smile on my lips still. I reached my hand into my backpack and pulled out my Polaroid camera. I was holding it up to take a picture of the building when I noticed how good the angle looked with Richie. I went to take a picture when he snatched the camera. "I don't want my picture taken." He said with a smile. "C'mon! You always let me take pictures." I reached up to try and take my camera back. "Well right now I don't." I could tell he was messing with me. Probably trying to bargain for the Hershey bar in my bag. "Rich, can I have it back please? I won't take your picture." He shook his head. "I don't trust you." He turned his nose up. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Richie holding the camera up higher so I couldn't reach it. "Just give it back small dick!" I said and jumped up a little. It didn't work. "Hey, insults will get you no where Al." I scowled. "What do you want? My chocolate bar? Money?" I asked and crossed my arms. "I want you to be my date to Stans Bar mitzvah." He smiled at me with that cheeky, I'm-up-to-no-good smirk. I couldn't find the words to answer him.

At that moment, the other boys came down the alley way. "Great your back." I said and finally got my camera back when Richie wasn't looking. "Okay new kid, while my main man, Dr. K, fixes you up, I'll hold your hand, make it better." I smiled and sat down next to Ben. He smiled back and I grabbed his hand. Richie rolled his eyes. He's jealous. My mind thought. Why would richie actually like me? I turned my head away from them to think about it as I traced the shapes of the clouds with my eyes. As the boys all babbled on about Eddie and his fanny packs (That's right people, packs, plural). I stared into the distance at the clouds above us and didn't notice I wasn't paying attention until Ben let go. I turned my head to see Beverly Marsh, the school's 'slut' walking towards us. I looked at her, confused as to why she was here right now. "Ben, hows it going?" She beamed at him. "I'm fine." He said. I scooted away and walked back around the group to my bag. I put my camera back and began to look for my chocolate bar to give to richie as to make him drop his previous wants. "Where the fuck are you?" I mumbled as I started to remove things from the bag. I didn't notice that Beverly had left until Stan spoke. "Nice going bringing up Bowers around her." I turned around to the conversation. "Yeah, you know what she did." I said to let them know I'm still listening. "What'd she do?" Ben asked looking from each of us to the next. "More like who'd she do." I said. Richie chuckled. "Yeah from what I heard the list is longer than my wang." I laughed at his remark. "That not saying much." Stan said and I lost it. "Holy shit Stan!" I walked over and high fives him. "That was great!" I looked at my watch. "Well I've got a couple hours to kill, who wants to go to the diner for some fries?" I asked as I put my wallet, house keys and glasses case back in my bag. The chocolate bar I was looking for was now in my hand as I stood and pulled my back pack onto my back. "I should head home to throw away this shirt before my mom sees." Ben said sadly. "Alright Ben. You should come with us to the quarry tomorrow." Ben thought for a second then nodded. "Yeah." He smiled. "I think I will." And with that and couple goodbyes Ben was walking home.

Blondie - IT (2017) R.T.Where stories live. Discover now