9: a mother to take care of

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An: this chapter is kinda really sad and there's a part that's kinda graphic. So if you get squeamish by blood, skip the last paragraph

"You," Mrs. Kaspbrak pointed around the group. I was sat on the curb next to everyone, my ankle throbbing. "You did this." She narrowed her eyes. She grabbed Eddies by the back of his neck and pulled him towards the car. "You know how delicate he is." She said through gritted teeth, the sound of her track suit rubbing against itself made me cringe. "We were a attacked M-M-Mrs. K." Bill said and took a step towards her. She pulled open the car door and pushed Eddie in. "Don't." She said, eyeing Bill back. "Don't try to blame anyone else." She said back, her voice dripping with venom. She slammed the door of the car shut and while doing so, dropped her keys. I reached out, but I couldn't get to them. So Beverly went to pick them up. Mrs. K stuck her hand in front of Bev. "Get back!" She yelled and Beverly stumbled back. Eddie's mom grabbed the keys and got in Bev's face. "Oh I've heard about you Ms. Marsh." She said with a smart look on her face. "And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son." She finally stepped back. She starts to dig through her purse. "Mrs. K, I ss-ssss-sw-" Bill started. "NO!" Mrs. Kaspbrak yelled and pointed back at the group. "You're all monsters! All of you!" Her eyes swept over the group, eventually landing on me and my tear streaked face. She looked away, I'm sure if from pity or anger. "Eddies done with you." She started towards her side of the car. "Do you hear? Done!" She got in the car finally. The car started and with one finally angry look, she was gone.

When the car disappeared down the street I sniffled. The group walked out into the street to watch Eddie off. Bev crouched down to help me up. We wobbled over to the circle the boys had made, Bev letting her grip loosen a little. I sniffled again. "I saw the well." Bill said turning around. I gave him a confused look. "W-w-we know where it is. And-and next time we'll be better prepared." He said finally. "No!" Stan yelled. I looked up to him. "No next time Bill! You're insane!" He finally said. I leaned more onto myself than Bev as she started talking. "Why? We all know no one else is gonna do anything." I let go of Bev, wincing in pain as I stood on my own. "This is ridiculous!" I said finally. "Eddie was nearly killed!" Richie said, his hand reaching out to help me as I wobbled, he retracted it as I stabled myself. "And look at this mother fucker! He's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie pointed to Ben, his face covered in rage. "We can't pretend it's gonna go away." Beverly said, she looked to Ben probably looking for support. "You said it yourself Ben, it comes back every 27 years." Ben stares right back at her. "Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here." He said. I felt proud of him for sticking up for himself. "I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too?" He asked her. "Because I want to run towards something, not away!" She said right back. "Okay who invited Molly Ringwald to the group?" Richie said, Beverly not missing a bear in flipping him off. "Bill, you don't actually wanna go back do you? I mean this is suicide!" I yelled at him. Bill was about to yell back at me when Richie opened his mouth. "I'm just saying let's face, real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed too!" I let out a breath of air at his name. Richie went to go for his bike, to leave. God I wish I had my bike. "Georgie's not dead!" Bill said, stepping in front of Richie. "You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself." Richie tried to walk away again. Bill stepped in front of him again, pointing in his face. Ttttt-ttt-take it back." He said. He looked furious. "Bill-" I started but was cut off. "You're scared, we all are. But take it back!" On the last word Bill pushed Richie back into the circle. Suddenly Richie lunges forward and pushes Bill back. With anger written over his face Bill punches Richie in the face, Richie falling to the ground. "Richie!" I said and went to take step, but my ankle shot pain up my body. I yelled out in pain and Bev reached out to catch me before I fell. Richie got up and Stan and Mike grabbed him before he could lunge at Bill again, Ben wrapping his arms around Bill. "You're all a bunch of Losers!" Richie yelled out. "Fuck off!" He yelled again as Bill tried to hit him again. "Bill!" Stan warned. "BILL STOP!" I screamed at him, Bill didn't even look at me before lunging again. "You're just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourself killed!" Richie yelled. "Stop!" Bev said as she stepped between the boys, leaving me to steady myself. "Stupid clown." Richie mumbled before pulling himself from Stan and Mikes girl. "This is what it wants. To divide us!" She said to the boys. "We were all together when we hurt it." She told them with a serious look. "That's why were still alive." I screamed out in frustration. They all looked to me as I started limping down the road. "I plan to keep it that way!" I said and looked at them. "I know some of you might not understand, but I have a Mother to take care of! I can't go off clown hunting and getting myself killed half way through the summer!" I said and began to walk again, letting out small whimpers. "Alice!" Bill yelled. "Let us help you!" He started towards me. "Don't! Touch me." I said. I was about to go off on a rant when a car turned the corner, me and bill wobbling to the side of the road. The car stopped next to us.

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