4. News Articles

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Main Characters: Eulilia, Diana

P.O.V: 3rd (News article)

Credit: Myself

Side Note: I forgot this book existed. Oops.



Princess Diana, mother of Prince William and Prince Harry, has given birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. The baby weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces, and was delivered at 11:11pm, Saturday, October 21st.

It is rumoured that Charles didn't show up to his daughter's birth, but that speculation was quickly shot down. After all, who would miss a Princess's birth? Especially if it was your own child?

The Royal's released a picture of the newborn, along with her name and weight. They said that her name is Eulilia Rose Maria Victoria Charlotte Elizabeth. A mouthful, we know! Yes, Charles and Diana gave their youngest child 5 middle names, along with a unique name which I doubt most of us have ever heard before. Eulilia, it has a ring to it, don't you think?

There were many people thinking that her name would be something along the lines of Alexandra, Margaret, Louise, Adelaide or even Mary. I don't think anyone would've guessed the name 'Eulilia'! We have been thinking that they got inspiration from Eugenie.

William and Harry looked very proud once they emerged from the hospital. They finally had a little sister to take care of. We all know that they'll be the best big brothers a girl could ask for!

From the photographs, the young princess seems to have blonde hair - taking after her beautiful mother! We can only imagine what she'll look like as she grows older. Of course, there have been rumours that she isn't Charles' daughter, but the Royal Family straight up denied that rumour, and that baby Eulilia is 110% his.

We give our best to the family, and hope that Princess Eulilia will be a healthy young child, surrounded by loving friends and family.

Roughly three years later, around the time of Shawn Mendes' birth


We've all loved watching the blonde hair, blue eyed beauty grow up, but have you seen the similarites between her and her mother? Sources have found a picture of Diana as a toddler, and have compared it to the child.

It honestly looks as if it could be the same child in both photographs. She's like a little model! Anne, a local from London, approached the young princess and her mother in a store, and said this:

"I saw two very recognisable faces the other day, and oh my! I was so surprised! It's not every day you stumble across royalty in a children's clothing store! I went up to them and greeted them, and I have never met a child so polite! Diana calmly said 'hello', but Eulilia said, and I quote, 'Hello! I'm Eulilia Rose! It nice meeting you!' I swear I nearly had a heart attack!

She is one of the sweetest 3 year olds I have ever met! I suppose it's all the manners she's been taught since birth. She started up a conversation, though I couldn't really understand much, as most was gibberish to me, as she is only young. I do know, though, that she wouldn't stop giggling! She is such a bubbly young girl. Probably my favourite Royal of the lot."

This isn't the first we've heard about the young princess and her conversations either! Many have told us that she is a bright, bubbly young girl, who will laugh at anything, even if she doesn't understand why others are laughing.

Could this little ball of sunshine get any cuter? YES! Miranda, another local from London, saw her and her family at Hyde Park on the weekend, and she was doing summersaults! Literally! She was summersaulting and rolly-pollying down a small sloped hill! Diana, Harry and William were apparently laughing at her crazyness, but Charles was nowhere to be seen.

We're sure that this isn't the last of Eulilia's cuteness we will see, so tell us your stories if you've seen her!




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