5. I'm Not Drunk Enough For This

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Main Characters: Eulilia, Harry, Marissa, Mackenzie, Ebony

P.O.V: Eulilia

Credit: Myself

Side Note: I need to keep updating this, REMIND ME


8th December, 2014


I sprinted outside into the dark, where Marissa was waiting in her car. Mackenzie and Ebony sat in the back. "Where are the others?" I asked, throwing myself into the passenger seat and clicking my seatbelt in.

"Bailed. Apparently there's some other party they'd rather go to." Riss answered, putting the car into drive. "I don't know why, I always pick the best parties and they know that."

"That you do, Riss." Ebony smirked. "You choose the ones with the best guys."

We all laughed at Ebony's comment, acting like a bunch of immature teenagers - which, in a sense, we were. I turned the radio on for background noise to our conversations. "So what's the plan tonight? Find some guy to pay for our drinks?"

"Of course," Mackenzie smiled. "Free drinks are a great way to start the night. But I'm not leaving until I dance with at least ten people."

"Who's the designated driver going to be-" Ebony began to say before I cut her off.

"Not me! I was last time." I grinned at them. "One of you poor girls isn't going to be able to drink tonight, such a shame."

Marissa, who kept her eyes on the road, had a sly expression on her face as she said, "You know Eb, since you asked, that can be your job. Thanks for offering!"

Ebony groaned. "But I planned on drinking the night away and disappearing with some hot dude."

"Shouldn't have asked, Eb."


"Marissa and friends! So good to see you again!" The host of the party, Jake, said in greeting as we walked throught the door. "You never replied to my messages, baby."

"We're not a thing, Jake." She sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? The only thing you're good for is throwing sick parties."

Jake held a hand over his heart. "I'm hurt, baby girl, I thought we had something. Like, a connection, you know?"

Ignoring him completely, Marissa sidestepped around him and grabbed some random persons drink. "Come on girls, we're here to party, not talk to losers."

We followed her through the crowd until we stumbled upon the bar. "Tequila shots, Riss?" Mackenzie asked, "we haven't had them in a while."

"I don't care if I'm the driver, I'm having a shot." Ebony said as she grabbed the shot glass and downed it in one go. "And I'm not even waiting for you."

"Typical, Ebs, typical," I said, rolling my eyes but following suit. "I need some unsuspecting dude to get me a mojito. Those things are life savers."

Mackenzie smirked at me, before yelling, "someone get my hot friend here a mojito!"

That sentence alone made multiple heads turn and stare, so I put my head in my hands. "Kenz, you're a lightweight, I know, but seriously?" I had to laugh when someone placed a mojito on the table, smirking at me.

"Hey," she whined, "I'm not a lightweight! I'll have you know I've had more to drink than all of you!"

"Kenzie, you had a tequila shot." Marissa stated before noticing a friend of hers and stalking off. The moment he saw her, he grinned, their lips meeting.

Ebony stood up from her seat. "Just because I can't get drunk tonight, doesn't mean I'm also on babysitting duty. I'm going to go have some fun."

Not wanting to babysit Mackenzie either, I pushed the half-full mojito into her hand. "Go makeout with someone." Unsurprisingly, she did as instructed, sauntering up to the closest male in the room and began to flirt.

I made my way over toward the dance floor, the upbeat music getting louder. Many people were dancing, swaying their hips and grinding against each other, to the beat. One person had fainted, and was quite literally getting thrown off the dance floor.

I joined the crowd, dancing with many different people and slapping them if they got too touchy. I noticed Ebony was also dancing, but she stuck with one person.

Someone bumped into me, spilling their drink all through my hair and onto my clothes. "Watch where you're going, moron!" I spat as I spun around to face the culprit - a familiar, red haired royal. "Oh sh*t. I'm not drunk enough for this," I said, taking and downing someone's glass of scotch.



Well that's awkward.


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