No Way

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Alex's POV:

I'm in Mr. Washington's office, arguing with Jeffershit. Again. He's mocking me, blatantly insulting me, and making fun of everything I say. I'm giving it back, returning the insults, when he hits a low blow.

"Who the hell would even consider this?" He cries, casting a look at Mr. Washington. "Other than you," he finishes, giving me a look full of loathing and judgment.

I roll my eyes exaggeratedly. "Your mom," I drawl sarcastically.

"At least I have a mom," Jefferson shoots back, smirking at me.

That's the last straw. I pull my arm back and punch him, my fist connecting with his jaw.

"HAMILTON!" Mr. Washington roars, standing up. "That's enough!" Jefferson turns to me, eyes boiling, but Washington stops him from returning the blow. "Thomas, don't even think about it." We glower at each other, scowls evident on both of our faces. Mrs. Hamilton shakes her head at us from her desk a few feet away. They're bonded and have to share an office. "You 2 need a break, go home, both of you. I expect both of you here no later than 9 tomorrow morning, ready to continue this meeting. Civilly."

Jefferson grunts and turns to leave, stalking towards the door. I notice a faint ache in my chest, but ignore it, shaking out my throbbing hand. Jefferson pulls the door open and marches out of the room. Pain rips through my chest and I buckle over, putting my hand to my heart. I hear a groan and open my eyes, only to see Jefferson in the same position as myself. Jefferson staggers back into the room and the pain eases. What the hell?

I see Mr. and Mrs. Washington give each other knowing looks. Mr. Washington nods his head, causing Mrs. Washington to smile and shake her head. "Would you like to point out the obvious, darling, or should I?" Mr. Washington gestures for her to continue. "I'm sorry to break it to you, boys, but it appears that the 2 of you have fused."

"THERE IS NO WAY THAT HAMILTON/JEFFERSON IS MY SOULMATE!" Jefferson and I yell at the same time. Mrs. Washington just tuts, turning back to her work. "No way," we say in sync again.

"Stop that," I snap, glaring at him. For once, Jefferson seems taken aback. Speechless, even. "Whatever's going on, does NOT mean that we're... soulmates."

Mr. and Mrs. Washington laugh. "Do you want Thomas to try leaving again, then, Alexander?"

I shrug, crossing my arms. Jefferson rolls his eyes but heads for the door again. I feel the discomfort as he hears the door, but when he steps through and tries to walk away the pain multiplied and he rushes back into the office. "Fucking hell..." Jefferson mutters. Mrs. Washington coughs pointedly. "Sorry, but you get my point."

I facepalm. There is no way I'm going to survive being soulmates with Jeffershit. One of us will probably get so pissed up we just leave and end up killing both of us. I bet he's enough of an asshole to do it. "We should talk outside," I grumble, looking at Jefferson. He nods, gesturing to the door.

We leave the Washintons' office and walk to the outside of the building in silence. Jefferson leans his shoulder against the side of the building, pushing his overly fluffed up hair out of his face. For a stuck up asshole, he's unfortunately attractive. So I get the hot guy that despises me as my soulmate. Typical.

"So," Jefferson starts, leering at me with a distasteful expression. "In consideration for my own safety, I've decided that you're moving in with me." I scoff. Yeah right. "Don't laugh, Hamilton. You're an orphan, an immigrant, and a bastard child. If wherever you live if nicer than my penthouse, I'll reconsider."

The fact that he's right just makes me angrier. I clench my fists but resist from punching him. That's what got us in this mess in the first place. "Whatever, what are your plans for sleeping arrangements?"

"I have a futon in my bedroom," Jefferson says, walking towards the curb. "By the way, I have a private ride, I hope that's all right. If it's not, sucks to be you."

I roll my eyes but follow him to the... private limo. "You have got to be kidding me," I mumble. He opens the door and slides inside, pointing me to the other side of the vehicle. I begrudgingly oblige, sitting down awkwardly on the seats that are worth more than my apartment.

Loathing is Easier than Loving (Jamilton Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now