Damn Gay, My Love

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Alex's POV:

Thomas and I are in his limo on our way home from work. We're leaning on each other in exhaustion, half-heartedly trying to nudge each other off. He pushes me but I plop back down, using the momentum to shove him away.

Thomas groans in annoyance. "You are the worst, Alexander," he grumbles, pushing me again.

I don't push him back this time, just laughing. Before my head catches up to my mouth, I say, "Nah, you love me!" I snap my mouth closed and internally panic. We haven't said 'I love you's yet. What if he doesn't? Or isn't sure? Or isn't ready to say it? I'm an idiot.

Thomas seems thrown for a moment, which isn't helping my internal terror, but he pulls himself together quickly. "Of course I love you, but you're still an dickhead," he says.

I respond by shoving him with my shoulder. "And you're still an asshat, my love," I shoot back, rolling my eyes.

"But you love me!" He points out, raising an eyebrow at me.

I copy his facial expression, making him roll his eyes. "Damn straight," I respond, leaning in and kissing him gently. "Actually... there's really nothing straight about it..."

Thomas just laughs, kissing me again. "Damn gay," he concludes, chuckling. "I fucking love you."

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