Morning Kisses

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Alex's POV:

I've been dating Jefferson for 5 months now. John, Laf, and Herc were all a bit surprised but happy for us. We still argue like hell but it's good-natured, and I no longer feel like I'm going to have a heart attack every time I finish an argument with him. In fact, the debates are almost enjoyable, because they usually end with kisses... sometimes more than that.

Although Jefferson is an obnoxious prick, he's a surprisingly good boyfriend. I don't sleep on the futon anymore, which means I can't stay up all night writing, but I get to cuddle with Jefferson, so it's worth it. He also forces me to eat 3 times a day, and makes an effort to prepare food I like.

He does so much for me, and I don't know how I'm supposed to repay him. I try to help with housework but I'm completely useless at it. So useless that Jefferson hired somebody to do it instead. I try to help with cooking, but I burn everything to the point that even I refuse to eat it.

I can feel Jefferson's muscled arms around me, holding me close to him. It's comforting, but I'm awake and he's not. I roll over in his arms and place my hand tentatively on his chest, running my fingers across his skin to his shoulder, then up to his face. He always sleeps shirtless. My fingertips skim across the stubble on his jaw and I tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. He's fucking gorgeous. And very much asleep.

I press my lips to his cheek, then his chin, and his nose. He mumbles something incoherent, wrapping his arms tighter around me. I continue kissing his face until he opens his eyes, sleepily glaring at me. "What time is it?" He grumbles, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "We don't even have work today. It's Saturday."

"I know," I say. "I just wanted to wake you up."

"Asshole," he mutters, closing his eyes.

I kiss his nose again. "Wait," I say quietly. He opens his eyes again wearily. "Before you go back to sleep, give me something to do until you wake up. We both know I can't clean or cook, but I want to do something to help out."

Jefferson shakes his head. "You don't have to, it's fine," he insists, adjusting himself to kiss my forehead.

I shake my head, grinning a bit from the forehead kiss. "No, I want to help. You do everything. Feed me, keep the house neat, make sure we get to work, it's my turn. I feel like some kind of freeloader and that's not the kind of boyfriend I want to be."

He shakes his head again, hushing me. "Really, Alexander, it's fine. I like cooking, I hired someone to clean, and I've been getting myself to work longer than you've been in America." I frown and he moves his arms from around me so I'm free to get up. "While I'm sleeping, why don't you write? You've lost all your late-night writing time to my insistent cuddles."

I sigh. "Come on, Jefferson, I'm trying to help!" I insist, running my fingers through his hair. "You don't need to be so prideful."

"I'm not being prideful, I'm spoiling my boyfriend." I groan, glaring at him. "And by the way, we've been together almost 6 months, I'm pretty sure we should be on a first name basis by now."

"I know," I say, smirking. "You've said it before. I'm just doing to irritate you." I kiss his cheek, then his jaw, trailing kisses to his lips.

Jefferson smirks at me, looking more awake. "Keep kissing me like that and you might not be getting out of this bed after all," he growls, rolling on top of me. This morning just got a lot more interesting.

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