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Thomas's POV:

Alexander and I have to make a cake for Lafayette's birthday. After insisting we go get drinks with them a while back, I've grown to tolerate his insane friends. And him. He's not as bad as I thought. Our constant arguments are less hostile now, more like friendly bickering. Without the 'being friends' part. I think he still hates me and only tolerates me because he has to.

Now, Alexander is the worst baker I've met in my life. He's already ruined 2 attempts at this cake. We're making it from a box mix. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask, ripping the sugar out of his hands. "The box does not say to add sugar!"

Alex shrugs. "I was going to make it sweeter, but I'm thinking you probably need it more," he shoots back.

I roll my eyes, handing him a measuring cup. "Measure our 3/4 cups of water. 3/4. Think you can handle it?" He rolls his eyes and goes to get the water while I crack eggs. On his way back to the bowl he bumps into me and I drop the egg I'm holding. In a moment of absolutely terrible luck, Alexander steps on the egg and slips, spilling the water and almost falling to the ground.

I catch him by the arm and steady him, making sure he didn't spill the water. I turn to go find something to pick up the egg when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn back around and before I register, his lips are on mine... and I don't say no.

Loathing is Easier than Loving (Jamilton Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now