(14) Life On The Road Sucks..

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*Six Months Into The Tour*

Kinsley was asleep on the bus with Bucky asleep beside her she was asleep on her back. "Kayson" she whispered in her sleep then she started to thrash. "Kayson.. wake up ." she whispred again. 

Bucky felt her moving in her sleep and whispering her twin brother's name. "Kinsley wake up baby. " 

"Kayson please don't leave me " she said louder as she thrashed in her sleep.

"Kinsley baby wake up you are scaring me" he said as he shook her awake.

"Bucky" she whispered and hugged him so tight. "Baby what's wrong you never do that. I don't think  I have ever know you to talk in your sleep." he said 

"Find my phone." she whispered 

"Baby what is it." he said

"I think something is wrong with Kayson." she said 

He found her phone and he called Joe for her. "Hey Joe." Bucky said 

"She had a dream didn't she?' Joe said as Bucky put it on speaker.

"Yeah she did how did you know that?' he said 

"Knox and Kayden were the same way when the other would be hurt they could sense the other's pain. You have never heard of Brady and Becca talk about twin Esp." Joe said 

"No.." he said 

"Anyways um Kayson was in a car accident some of his friends and him went to a party after a basketball game tonight and they had been drinking and they crashed Kayson was in the front seat. He's um unconscience with very little brain activity and um he's paralyzed from the waist down they were hit on his side they ran a red light." Joe said

Bucky and Kinsley both tears in their eyes Bucky started to shake Kayson was his other best friend and he started to cry. They were on their tour they were on their way to Dallas after performing in Kansas. Once they arrived in Dallas they were laying in the back of the bus when Brooks came in "I'm sorry guys I know you have alot on your mind right now I do but you have a show to put on." 

"Yeah" Bucky said as they both got up and put on their show. Joe left a message with Brooks when they did a show in Houston a few days later that they had took Kayson off of life support and when the funeral was. 

Bucky punched the wall of the bus cause Brooks was able to go but they couldn't cause they had to be in LA for a show and James Corden Show cause they didn't want to cancel last minute and look bad even if their publicist said if they made a statement that explained why they had to cancel their show. 

And that wasn't the only funeral they had to miss when they were Austraila Grandma Junie passed away and few days later Grandma Hazel passed away. Bucky promised her that when they were done the first thing that they were going to do was go to Charleston he didn't care what anyone said. 

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