Running and running it goes,
Never looking back.
Never waiting, never stopping,
For many centuries it goes.
To you it might run slowly,
For others it might run quickly,
But it always goes at a constant speed.
Never fast yet never slow,
Just straight ahead it goes.
Many a times we chase after it,
Pleading for it to turn back.
Yet it never does stop and backtrack,
Just running ahead it goes.
Sometimes we ask it to go faster,
Begging it to sprint ahead.
However much we cry and beg,
Never does it do so.
Never listening, never hearing,
Never does it speak.
Nothing can stop it,
Nothing can block it,
That is just the way things go.
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Sudden Sparks of Poetry : my crazy whims of writing
Poesíaa collection of poems that comes to my mind anything and everything, written on a whim