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The curtains fall,

All is done.

All hope is gone,

No more second chances.

A gun pointed to my head,

As I took my last breath.

I never once thought I would die this way,

Never for a moment in my life.

I should have seen this coming,

It is so obvious to me now.

But even as the bullet left the barrel,

I was still calm.

I knew long ago that my time would come,

I knew in my heart that it was always what I longed for.

As my eyes closed for the very last time,

I knew that I found my escape.

I took it with open arms,

Finally it came to me.

The one day I had hoped to see,

The one exit to all my sins.

The one thing I have always knew I wanted,

Finally was I going to be claimed back.

The gifts I have gotten now given away,

My life my soul, my sins all taken away,by death.

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