She Is Mine

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As I smirk down at her, an endless stream of thoughts flow through my mind.

This is it.

My chance.

The perfect chance to get to her, to make her want me.

She looks off into the distance slightly over my shoulder, her teeth coming down on her lip as gazes. My eyes follow her every move as she raises her hand and tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear. Her teeth tightening on her lip as she does.

I shake my head of the endless thoughts that were going on a rampage at just the sight. For the age of sixteen she really wasn't doing to bad for herself.

Her head snaps over to me, rather abruptly,  and her eyes trail up and down my figure. Pride races through my my veins at the thought of her being physically attracted to me.

"Like what you see?" I question while smirking at her.
She scoffs at me as she looks up to my face, still avoiding my eyes.
"I was actually thinking of how much better I've seen." she replies with a sass that only she could possess.

I let her words echo in my mind before anger begins to pump through me. My smirk falling. She used to hold back her remarks, much to my dismay. Now she spits them at me, even though I like it, it angers me at how she speaks to me. A smirk graces my face once again.

"What is better than this?" I ask while waving my hand up and down my body in a swift motion.
"Well, I used to know a man called Rodney. He was amazing at everything he did. Me and my friends used to watch him from the side lines, are you sure your even a man?" she asks tilting her head to the side and biting her lip once again.
"Would you like me to show you?" I question her huskily as my figure begins to stalk towards her.

Her eyes begin to widen and her feet take small steps back almost enough to account for my own.

"That won't be necessary." She yells as she starts to sprint up the stairs and towards her room. A small chuckle escapes my lips as I begin to amber after her.

My feet taking two at a time before I reach just outside her room. As I stand outside the room, the shuffling slowly dies down. Then a loud creak is heard and the door comes hurtling towards my face. Smacking me square in the jaw, my head ricocheting to the side.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry sir!" She squeals as she jumps in front of me to see if I'm ok. A light chuckle escapes my lips as her hands attempt to reach my jaw. Slowly but surely, she makes her way to her top toes and finally reaches my jaw.


Did she call me sir?

"I'm fine love, also, just because I'm your boss baby, it don't mean that you need to call me sir."

I smirk down at her as she blushes a bright red. Finally, I take in what she is wearing.
It's a light grey, off shoulder jumper. A black pleated skirt along with a pair of knee high boots.

I throw a half hearted smile towards her as I continue to take in her appearance. Her blush slowly turning her neck red as she notices me checking her out.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" she asks me in a small voice.
"23" I tell her curtly.
"Oh" is all that leaves her lips.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I interrogate her.
"I have to go somewhere?" she replies in a 'duh' tone but it somehow manages to come out as a question.

"Oh" is all I can think of to say.

"When do I start?" she asks me, looking back up at me.
"How's about tomorrow?"
"I can't, I have college." She begins, "but I only have it three days a week so I can start the day after!" she saves herself quickly.
I smirk at her and nod in reply.
"Where are you going if I may ask?" I reply, stepping a bit closer to her.
"Oh... Oh.. Errrmm just to meet a f-friend." she stutters out.

I nod my head at her and begin my decend down the stairs.

Her feet pad after me as we reach the front door.

"Need a ride?" I ask as I pull the door open.

"Hmm... I should be fine" she says but I can see that she is hesitant.
"Are you sure? I really dont mind."

"Hmmm ok, it's just at a café in town."

I nod along with her and nudge her towards my car, my body towering over hers as we exit . She stops just outside her door before slowly sliding the key into the cold lock, and twisting it so the house was secure.

When we finally reached the black Mercedes I own, she gasped, as if not expecting it.

I lightly place my hand on her lower back, and lower her into the car while leaning on the top.
Slowly, but surely we reach cafe that she was talking about.
As I slow to a stop outside, she turns in her seat so that she is facing me.

"Thank you so much! For everything! I mean it!" I smirk and nod towards her.

I stay stationary in my seat for a few minutes, just watching as she looks around. Her eyes land on some boy, as she smiles and kisses his cheek I feel something stir inside me.

Yes, boy

Now do I seem petty?

I step out the car and walk towards the shop, watching her every move like a hawk. When I finish ordering my coffee, I look towards the striking beauty and walk towards her.

"Oh, mmm hi Ace, this is Kent." she informs me. His head snaps in my direction and a coy smirk plays on his lips. "Nice to meet you Ace." he speaks formally, business like.

"Wish I could say the same." I spit at him before giving him a sly glare. Yes, I am being rude! But I'm not going to let some pretty boy get in the way if my chance with this woman. I just cant lose this opportunity.

A small gasp leaves Lacy's mouth at my rudeness, but I really couldn't care less.

"Apologize." She snaps at me.
My head snaps towards her, an overwhelming feeling of shock coming over me. How can she take his side?
"No!" I huff at her in a childish manner, my face only expressing our disbelief.

"Apologize to my brother now, or leave." She sneers at me.
A small, nervouschuckle escapes my lips as I look at her. Her face stone cold with a glare that could make any man weep. My attention is brought back to Kent when I hear an audible gulp.

I study him for a second. He had pitch black hair and electric blue eyes. They didnt seem related. He was more ten, more built. Nothing like my angel.

"I'm sorry." I mutter to him.
His eyes snap up to me as I say the words and then he continues to say something. Something that definitely took Lacy by surprise.

"It's fine, saying she just moved here I'm surprised that she already has a boyfriend but it's ok. I'm the same with my girl." He says while looking me up and down. Sizing me up.

"We're no-" Lacy begin but I cut her off.

"Thanks." I state. "Well I'm gonna go grab my drink and I'll be off and leave you guys to it, I'll see you later Lacy." I bend down and peck her cheek sloppily before going to the counter and collecting my drink.

I wink at her on my way out and sit in my car smirking to myself.

I'm not sure at the minute. But I know there is an underlying part of me that wants to make her mine. Only mine.

I just don't know how strong that part is.

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