Chapter 7:Jade

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Jade's POV

Waking up the next day I stretched and looked up at the ceiling. Seeing myself, I smiled and winked.

"Hey there." I said and giggled before sitting up and letting my legs dangle on to the sides of my bed.

I went to  the bathroom and did my business before brushing my teeth and hoping into the shower. I took my time rinsing the chemicals out of my hair and any excess make up I did not take out last night before heading to bed. After that had been done I decided to dress up in a long orange lounge dress and letting my hair air dry.

I went downstairs and made myself a full breakfast with eggs ,sausages, bacon and toast with a glass of cranberry juice. I sat down on my sofa and turned on the t.v and turned on to the food channel. One of my favourite channels on t.v. I ate my breakfast and scrolled through instagram when I recieved a text message.

Unkown number: I'm sorry sweetheart

As soon as I saw the text I knew who it was. I didnt understand why the man would not just leave me alone. I had moved on with my life and made sure I became successful outside of him. The bastard had some nerve.

Me: Leave me alone!

I texted back and blocked the number. A person can really ruin someone's mood. I didn't understand what he wanted from me.

I walked into my apartment and noticed that it was awfully quiet. And i knew I was uncomfortable. Something felt different in the air tonight. And I had this gunning feeling in my stomach the whole time I was at work today. As if something bad was going to happen. I walked towards my room and noticed the half empty bottle of vodka on the small kitchen's counter and I felt a chill run down my spine. I then walked towards the bedroom when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waiste. I almost screamed when he had whispered in my ear. And I smelt the stinging smell of vodka on his lips.

"What are you doing home so late?" He said and I tried to escape his hold on me but I felt him tighten his hold on me.

"Can you please let go?" I said and tried to pry his arms off from around my waiste.

"Why darling, don't you like it when I am affectionate?" He slurred swinging me slightly.

"Not when you are drunk Derek." I said sternly frustrated with his failed attempts of being affectionate. When he has not been in the past year.

Something had stopped the spark from flaming ever since we hit the third year together. We had got into so many arguments that I can not think how many exactly. But as the days wore on the verbally aggressive he would get. I thought it was just him being upset but then he started to drink and the verbal abuse got worse and I just did not know what to do about it.

"But I cope better when I'm drunk. I actually find your attractive and see the reason why I got with you in the firat place when I am drunk." He said. Every word a slight sting to my heart. 

It used to be very bad. The pain. Everytime he had said something so hurtful I would cry myself to sleep everytime. But then as it continued and the more it grew it had just become a numbing dull ache. And hopefully it will just be nothing to me.

"Can you please let go of me so I can go to the bathroom." I said getting tired of this. I had a long day at working trying to build something for myself.

"These days you never have fucking time for me anymore huh?" He said letting go and grabbing the bottle of vodka. "You always seem to be busy with some stupid art shit that doesn't even make enough money for all the shit you want. But at the end of the day it's all about you and your fat ass isn't it?" He shouted the last part in a slurred tone.

"I have dreams Derek and I'd like to fulfill them." I said calmly not trying to turn this into another scream match where the neighbors even come in to check on us.


"Can you just leave me alone." I said attempting to exist the room and go to the bathroom as I was initially.

"Come back here!" He shouted once more and I felt him latch his fingers on to my tricep, pulling me roughly back making me land on the floor with a loud thump. He then looked down upon me and in his eyes and there was just a darkness,a hatred in his eyes, an anger I had never seen before ever since we got together. And I knew our relationship was a dead end. I didn't want to be stuck in a more of an abusive relationship. Because clearly this was about to get physical.And that's when I started to get scared and knew I had to leave soon.

And tomorrow was that day...

And I know for a fact that I'm not going back there no matter how much he tried to bring me back. I've been through enough drama. I've been through enough trauma. It took me a long time to get back to being Jade. I needed some air. I finished my food and grabbed my phone and my car keys. I needed to get this anger out of my system. I left my apartment, locked everything and went down to the garage. I decided to take my Audi R8 v10 plus. And drive off to the race track. I knew that was the only place I could let everything go.


Once I got there I signed myself in and drove my car to the starting point.

Driving fast has always had a way of calming down. I discovered that when I went to a car show and tried one of the cars out on the race track. I felt calm and alive at the same time. I felt to be in so much control. I then decided to train myself and got someone to help me. And since then whenever I got over stressed or angry I just come here.

I reved the car and started to drive starting off slowy and then eventually hitting the gas when a thiught passed my mind. I let the noise of my car drown my thoughts. I focused my attention on the road and my car. And I felt it in my veins as I continued to move my car as fast as I can go.

I then noticed a car was behind me and I slowed down to see who it was. But as the car passed me I saw only a helmet. And I decided this was going to be a race.  I stepped on the gas and changed gears to increase my speed. And soom I was gaining on him. He had driven a BMW M6 and it seemed to be a very good car. I then raced passed him or her and made my way to the finish line smirking. Only my baby.

As I stopped the car him or her stepped out the car and took off the helmet....


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