chapter 15: Jade

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Jade's POV

When I opened the door I had not expected to find my bestfriend behind the door with some McDonald's in her arms and a bottle of cold drink. She had her afro tied back in a fluffy ponytail. And she wore her fluffy purple pajamas on and a pair of fluffy slippers that matched mine. We had bought them together after all.

"Sup bitch." She said pushing past me and wakking towards the living room. I closed the door and followed my crazy friend.

"Hey Jess." I said plopping myself on the sofa. "What are you doing here?" I ask her because she just showedup unexpected.

"Sleepover obviously." She said munching on fries, and taking the remote and browsing through Netflix.

"And why did you not tell me." I day standing up and crossing my arm over my chest and looking at her browse through my t.v.

"Well it did not cross my mind and I missed my bestfriend, it's weekend and don't have plans so why not. "She shrugged and gave me her puppy dog eyes. Her hazel eyes shinning compared to the contrast of her dark skin. She was absolutely stunning.

"Oh well then I'll get the champagne then." I said and started to walk off to the kitchen.

"No drinking tonight. I want to remember this night please." She says and i shrug and continue towards the kitchen. "BRING SOME POPCORN PLEASE!" She shouted from the living room.

"OKAY!" I shouted back and placed my food inside tge fridge knowing i won't be able to eat this after having McDonald's. And who would leave McDonald's for  any kind of food.

I grabbed some tall glasses and placed them on the counter. She may be not drinking but she will eventually. I quickly went to the living room and grabbed the Coca Cola and brought it with me to the kitchen once more. I looked for the popcorn packet and placed it into the microwave and heating the packet up. I grabbed a bottle of skyy vodka and poured about a quater of the glasses and poured the Coke into the glasses. I grabbed some straws from the cupboard and swirled the drinks. The popcorn finished and i grabbed two plastic bowls and i grabbed the pop corn first and brought it to the lounge and went back to grab the drinks and the coke bottle. I also went back to the kitchen to put some ice in a container so we can place it in our drinks.

"So what have you found?" I asked as i took out one of my favourite burgers from McDonald's. The Big Tasty Burger. As well as taking out the fries that she bought for me. "Thanks for the food by the way."

"No problem. And i found the series On my Block." She said and took a bite of her McChicken burger. She went and grabber the drink i made and she took a sip before looking at me and glaring.

"What?" I said and smiled before taking more fries and staring at the t.v

"I told you no drinking." She said and took another sip of her drink before setting it down on the table.

"Well i don't see you stopping." I said and chuckled as she took yet another drink.

"Oh shut up." She said and turned towards the t.v. "So what's new with you? Last i saw you we went to your opening." She said continued eating again.

"Well not much." I say and start smiling remebering my caramel dream yesterday.

"Clearly something is new, you have this goofy ass smile on yout face." She said chuckling before taking her drink in her hand and placed two pieces of ice in her glass.

"Well I have been seeing Jaiden a bit. In fact i was with him yesterday." I said ending with a blush as i remembered the things he did to me.

"Tell me sister, I want the juice." She said pausing the series and turnibg towards me.

I told her everything i could remember from the past couple of days. She had been shocked that apparently we had all gone to school together when i had told her that. We drank our drinks and she asked me to make more and i did just that before coming back to the conversation.

"But I'm planning on taking things slow and seeing how things go before i let my feelings take over my every action. I know i let him touch me, but doing that kind of stuff does not really make a difference." I said a soft blush coating my cheeks as i ran through each event.

"I hear you girl. But make sure you enjoy it in the meantime. When last did you have this much fun and glow this bright. I haven't seen that blush sincr highschool." She said running a finger along my hot cheek. I swiped my hand removing her finger from my face and giggling.

"I know Jess. I do feel that way right now." I said fiddling with my fingers and playing with my pajama bottoms.

"Let's get back to this series then." She said grabbing her drink and focusing her attention on the screen once more.

For the rest of the night we spoke and caught up. He drank more drinks and watched a few other movies getting bored of the series. We ended up playing music and dancing our asses off. We haf so much fun. It has been so long since we last haf this much fun. With our busy lives we never had time to conitnue with sleepovers, drink and dance. We ended up eating the food i had ordered earlier because we only went to bed at the early hours of the morning. We drank glasses of water and some pain pills to hopefully dull down the pain from the hangover in the morning.

We giggled as we entered my room and fell on to my bed. We got under the covers and continued to talk. I had missed my friend and was glad that she came over to see me. I felt my eyes get woozy and closed my eyes. A pair of grey eyes met my vision and i smiled blissfully.

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