Chapter 6: Rethinking

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Chapter 6: Rethinking

After the police left with Shane and Daryl, Beth boldy makes the desicion to drive Daryl's bike back to campus, or at least somewhere she can stay the night and not worry about being raped. Lucky for her, Daryl's keys are still in the bike. Getting on the motorcycle, Beth just hopes that it's like riding an actual bike... but with a motor. Getting on, it's way heavier than she thought it would be. She almost completely falls over with it, but catches it just before it can scrape the pavement. 

"Okay... you can do this. You can drive his bike." Herself confidence is weak, when her consious takes over. "Maybe I shouldn't... but I need to get home. Okay, maybe I should bail him out of jail, but then again, I'd have to bail Shane out too and that would just be terrible. Both would kill each other on sight."

Making the final decision, Beth starts up the motorcycle and slowly drives down the road. Keeping it up is the hardest thing when she stopped at stop signs and lights. She definitly doesn't have enough muscle for this to be a regular thing. Going through town, Beth finds herself right outside the police station. She pulls in and parks the bike, putting the kick stand up and taking the keys, she enters the station and goes to the front desk. 

"Can I help you miss?" A black woman in her mid thirties is sitting behind the desk working on the computer.

"Yes, I'm looking for two college students who got brought in for fighting." Beth looks down at the bear slippers and now feels really stupid. The lady officer types on her computer and then looks back up at Beth.


"Um, Daryl Dixon and Shane Walsh."

"Yep, we have em. Which one you wanna bail out?"

"How much is it for both?"


"Wow, that's a how much for one?"

"Depends on which one. Walsh is charged with aggrivated assault and in buying alcohol for underage drinkers, and resisting arrest. Dixon is just aggrivated assault." Looking in her wallet, she knows she only has enough for one. "If you looking to save cash, I'd go with Dixon." The officer looks at Beth for what she's going to do and Beth can only contemplate the whole thing. 

"Sure, I'm positive, Shane is too drunk to be civil anyway." Beth hands over her credit card that has $700 on it, which is supposed to last her a semester. The nice lady takes it and swipes the card, and then has Beth sign.

"That's $350. Here's your check and I'll send him right out."

"Thank you so much." Beth sits over in the waiting area and after a few minutes, Daryl finally comes out, with blood on his white shirt, a black eye, and a fat lip. Walking over to Beth, he has a small smile on his face. She stands up and look him over a few times. 

"Thanks for bailing me out..."

"Yeah..." Beth turns on her heel and Daryl unquitionly follows her out and to his motorcycle. 

"You drove my bike over?"

"Actually I was just gonna go home, but I thought I'd be nice and bail you out so you can go back to yer girl friends." She can't help but be mad at him. Daryl rubs the back of his neck and then moves closer to Beth.

"Listen I..."

"No, you listen." She points a finger at him, pokes him in the chest, but doesn't truly know what to say or why she's really angry. "I just want to go home without any of yer bullshit. You may be charming and you may be a generally good guy, but you are still an asshole and a man whore, and I won't be apart of yer shitty games." 

She smacks his chest and he just stands there in shock. His eyes look to his shoes and his hands fiddle with his vest. She stands up straight and her mean face subsides to sadness. She honestly doesn't mean to be mean to him. He had done a lot for her tonight and had been so kind. He says nothing, but gets on the motorcycle, He hands her a helmet and then puts his on. Taking her toward her dorm, he doens't squeeze her hand this time. He doesn't look back at her. She feels utterly alone and ashamed of her accusatory tone.

Reaching the parking lot just outside her building, Daryl kills the engine and helps Beth off the bike. She hands him the helmet and he takes his off too. Setting them on bike, he takes the keys and they both start toward the elevator. Once inside, Beth stays in her corner, and Daryl in his. He tries not to look at her because it will break him. Beth hates how she's treating him, but she can't help but feel any different. 

"I didn't sleep with that girl. And I'm not as much as a player as Bob likes to say." Beth looks at him and he can't take his eyes off of her. "But to which their own."

"Daryl, yer a nice guy... you just have a terrible way of showing it." Beth hides her face and Daryl steps over to her. Gently, tugging her face so she sees him, he moves hair out of her eyes and his one hand holds her wrist. He makes small circles on her wrist with his thumb as his other thumb gently  strokes her cheek. her breath catches in her throat and his eyes never leave hers. He leans in to plant a kiss on her lips, but is interupted when the elevator door opens and Beth nervously exits into the hallway and speedily walks to her room. Daryl catches up and catches Beth before she closes the door. 

"Thanks for bailing me out."

"Goodnight." Beth quickly says before shutting the door. Daryl, defeated and yet relieved, goes to his room where Merle and T-Dog wait him. 

"How'd you make bail? You never called us?" Merle inquisites. 

"Beth. I'm uh... I'm going to bed." Daryl slowly walks to his room and shuts the door. A guy at the end of the hall comes out with a tall, thin black woman. 

"What's going on?"

"Well Rick, Daryl might have been trumped by a woman today. Multiple times. And I didn't know you were here Michone." T-Dog looks at them with lustrious eyes. 

"Well, you two were supposed to still be at the party." Michone snakily says.

"Got canceled cause my brudder picked a fight with the wrong frat prick." Merle takes a dip of his tobacco and then smiles at Michone, who ignores it. 

"Well, it certainly was a productive night." Rick blankly says.

Over in Beth's room, Beth is laying on her bed and mindlessly staring at her ceiling. Okay not mindlessly. She is thinking about Daryl. How he almost kissed her. She couldn't imagine what it would feel like. She hasn't kissed anyone since Zach. He was rough and always had a terrible taste in his mouth. Sometimes, always, he would shove his tongue so deep in her throat, she felt sick. 

Looking out her window, she can see the motorcyle in it's spot and the helmets attached to the seat. Her mind can't sit still. She doesn't quite know how she would have felt if he would have kissed her. She only hopes she doesn't have to deal with it again. And she really hopes Shane doesn't figure out that she bailed Daryl out and not him. 

Lord help me with boys.

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