Your on your period

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So I wanted to do one like this for all those guys out there who don't know what to do when their girlfriends are on their period, So now you know how to make a girl happy while their pmsing.


You woke up with stomach cramps and immediately you jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom your underwear and pj shorts were bloody, You mentally yelled at yourself for not remembering your period, You snuck out of the bathroom and grabbed a new pair of shorts as well as underwear then as you tip toed back to the bathroom the floor creaked and you looked at Shawn who was waking up you didn't even notice before that there was a huge red spot on the bed and you bolted back to the bathroom Shawn knocked on the door "Um babe are you ok?" He asked sounding concerned "Uh yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a minute!" You said pretty embarrassed "You don't have too be embarrassed it's completely normal" he said as if he read your mind "If you need anything I'll be out here changing the sheets" he then walked away from the bathroom and you fixed yourself up.

When you got out the bed sheets were changed and it smelled like your favorite scent vineyard by yankee candle (Literally the best scent ever) you got down the stairs and saw Shawn sitting on the couch on his phone he saw you and said "Hey babe I got you some chocolate and a heated pad and I'm ready for cuddles if that's want you want" "Thank you, Your the best but I just want cuddles" you walked over and sat right next to him and cuddled into his chest then fell asleep.

Sorry this ones short I'm currently starting my book I'm gonna post one chapter at a time and it will consist of ten pages per chapter, I'm also posting anther imagine today hopefully so love you bye.


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