Cheating Prank

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"Hey everyone today I'm going to be pranking Shawn so right now he's out at Adidas getting some more workout shorts so I'll be on the phone with someone saying stuff like 'Ok I'll see you tomorrow bye love you' and 'Ok babe' also I'll be giggling a lot and when I notice Shawn I'll whisper something then hang up and play it off then after my friend is gonna be sending sexy text messages so it looks suspicious then tomorrow I'll leave for a while and come back with a fake hickey,ok kinda Kay let's do this" you say into you're vlogging camera while walking in the kitchen "Ok I'm gonna get a snack first then text Shawn when he'll be home" you grab a banana and turn off the camera, you text Shawn

Hey babe when will you be home? -To babe

I'll be home in a couple of minutes I love you
-From babe

Ok bye
-To babe

You reach out and grab your vlogging camera and put it on after finishing you're snack "Ok so he said he'll be home soon and I didn't say I love you back so he might think it's weird but brush it off ok let's go set up" you ran upstairs to get your mini go pros and set them up "Ok so we'll put one in the window one hidden in the vase on the counter one in the couch pillows and last one in our bedroom because he might go there if he's mad or something" then you heard him pull up "Oh my god he's here I'm gonna turn this off and switch to one of the go pros" you turned it off then grabbed you're phone when you heard the door open "Yeah ok babe I'll see you tomorrow but Shawn's here so I've gotta go love you bye" you 'hung up' and saw a confused Shawn "Hey who were you talking too?" He asked walking toward the conter and setting his bags down "Oh uh my mom she Uh called" you shrugged trying to be convincing "It sounded like you said babe" his words became more serious "Uh no I didn't anyway what'd ya get?" He shook his head "Who was on the phone?" He asked very stern "No one" you muttered walking away and got in bed since it was late, after a couple minutes Shawn got in behind you and pulled you into his chest so your back was against his chest but you scooted away he tried once more but you moved farther so he just went too sleep.

Morning came and you woke up before Shawn and got up you texted you're friend to text you some fake messages under a different number and the contacts name is babe with hearts after a minute she responded and sent them.

Hey I thought the other day was fun we should do it again some time
-From Babe💕

Yeah I had fun I'll just have to make sure Shawn's not here since he's my other boyfriend
-To Babe💕

Then we just texted each other back and forth to make it seem more realistic then leaving your phone for Shawn to see since you told your friend to text you every ten minutes so if Shawn wakes up he sees fresh texts (what the heck 'fresh texts' sorry I'm weird) you go downstairs and grab coffee and wait for Shawn.

Shawn's POV

I woke up and looked around the room taking in notice to the empty spot beside me I don't know what's been going on with y/n she didn't text me love you too or cuddle with me last night also who was really on the phone? I got up and saw y/n's phone on her side table the screen lit up with texts fresh texts (Again I'm sorry)  I grabbed it and looked at them they read.

Morning babe
-From Babe💕

I can't wait till you're in my arms again
-From Babe💕

Hey babe tonight for our date you should wear that short red dress you bought it's hella cute
-From Babe💕

Ok what the hell were those I did not text her those and I'm the only babe in her contacts so I pushed my thumb against the home button and it let me in since we have each other thumb prints in each other's phones I pressed the message app and saw their messages back and forth now I'm pretty ticked off she's dating someone else I never thought she was capable of this so I angrily threw her phone on the bed and jogged downstairs "Are you kidding me!" I yelled at y/n who was sitting on the couch drinking coffee but jumped at the sound of my harsh voice "Did you think I wouldn't find out sooner or later!? When were you planning on telling me!?" She looked at me wide eyed and stuttered in her words "Uh I Uh I don't know what you're talking about" she said playing dumb "You're cheating on me what do you think I'm talking about!" She put her head down "I-I'm sorry" she mumbled I walked towards her and raised my hand she flinched backwards  "P-please don't h-hit me I'm sorry" she said I gasped and she was full on crying "Y/n did you actually think I was going to hit you no I was going to dump you're coffee on you but you look more broken then me come here" I said holding my arms out "I still love you and would never hurt you" she went in my arms and smiled slightly "Good cause it's a prank" she whispered I gasped then smiled in delight "Ok that was really mean but I totally fell for it plus I'm sorry babygirl" she nodded and fell asleep in my arms.

Ok good night my head is pounding and I just wanna sleep so this will not be edited but I'll do a pic imagine then go to bed oh kinda Kay love you guys bye.


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