Clingy and annoying!

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Shawn has been busy working at the studio all week, getting up early in the morning and coming home late at night he promised when he got a day off that he would spend it with you so you woke up got dressed in pj shorts and a pair of shorts You started to make breakfast for you and Shawn you were in the middle of making pancakes when you heard someone mumbling to themselves while walking down the stairs knowing it was Shawn you smiled "Hey morning babe what do you want to do today?" You said "I thought we could maybe just lounge around in the house today and cuddle on the couch while watching a movie" he came over from behind you and wraps his arms around your waist "Ok but we're watching Harry Potter" you shook your head yes before resting it against Shawn's head which was rested in your shoulder you sighed enjoying the moment you finished making pancakes and you grabbed the maple syrup and drenched your pancakes in the sticky sweet syrup Shawn laughed even though your not Canadian you still love maple syrup he did the same to his pancakes and then after you two were done you got Harry Potter ready and just as you were about to play it Shawn's phone rang but you didn't let go of him he checked it, it was Andrew his manager "One second let me take this" you still didn't let go as he tried to pry you off "Y/n come on let me go and take the call I'll be quick" you tightened your grip on him and said "No! I'm not letting go, let it go to voicemail" he started to get angry "Y/n!let go now!" You let go, he grabbed his phone answering it, you huffed Shawn said he would spend the day with you

But here he is on the phone for twenty minutes you got super bored and mad

Shawn promised

You sighed getting up to see where Shawn was you saw him sitting on a chair in another room (since there was like twenty rooms altogether) "Babe are you almost done?" You asked Shawn in a whisper like tone he didn't respond he said goodbye and hung up "Oh are we gonna cuddle now and watch Harry Potter?" You smiled walking towards Shawn he walked right past you so you followed him he was grabbing his jacket and putting on his shoes "Shawn are you going somewhere?" He looked up at you and replied "Yeah I have to do some recordings I'll be back soon" You said "B-but I t-thought we were gonna w-watch something together?" You stuttered a little you always stutter when You're nervous or sad "Yeah but I kinda got to go" he stayed looking at you half heartedly "C-can't you g-go some other t-time?" He stalked towards you "No Y/n! I can't just not go okay?" You nodded your head looking down You could feel the tears flowing down you're cheeks "Ok bye I love you I'll be back at like ten I don't it depends" he kissed you're forehead then left You went on the couch and cryed silently to yourself.

It was around ten so You started to get ready for bed You brushed you're teeth took a shower and of course changed pjs when You got in bed You sent Shawn a quick tent assuming he might not text back

Hey just wanna say love you goodnight please come back as soon as you can..   -Y/n

You couldn't fall asleep I mean You've learned how to fall asleep without Shawn cause he usually comes home late but it was now one am and still no text or calls or anything so here You are at one am staring at the ceiling thinking

Today was supposed to be me and Shawn's day but he ditched me he didn't care I guess I'll talk to him tomorrow right now I've gotta sleep.

You woke up feeling Shawn besides you he tried to move away a little but you snuggled closer he must've realized You're awake "Hey Y/n sorry but I got home at  two am can you let me go and let me sleep?" "Oh sorry" You mumbled and backed away from Shawn You heard Shawn scoff the roll so his back is facing you, you cuddled a little behind him half an hour later You poke Shawn's bicep and asked him "Hey do you wanna build a snowman" in a sing songy voice he moaned and shrugged off your hand a little while later You ask "Do you wanna watch Harry Potter?" He turns around quickly and yells "Y/n I'm trying to sleep stop being so clingy and annoying!!" There were tears in your eyes "But I thought you said you would spend time with me" you whispered "Just get out go away!" You shook your head even though he can't see you but you gave him what he wanted you grabbed the clothes that you kept in your trunk you quickly changed into them and left the house the house that you and Shawn had once bought together was now only his but you would send for your stuff in a couple days

Am I really doing this I remember a point in our relationship that we were so happy and we would never leave ones side if they didn't want us to was I really doing this

I got my keys wallet and phone and drove away hoping that maybe Shawn would calm down in a couple days

Maybe we just need some time apart

Shawn's POV
When I woke up I reached out my arm looking for Y/n but she wasn't there then I remembered that I yelled for her but no respond I was a little worried but maybe she just left for a little while or had to go get something so I got up and ate then I called Y/n but no answer so I called again then I texted her  

Hey where are you? Im sorry for yelling at you please answer-Shawn

Is she ignoring me or did something happen

Your POV
You weren't picking up Shawn's calls or texting him back because right now You want to be left alone he told you that you and him would have some quality time but nope he just went back to the studio then when You tried to do something he yells at you I mean jeez he could have not stayed till two am.

Shawn's POV
I don't know where Y/n is but I can try to find her since whenever she needs time alone you can find her in the woods which I don't like but she doesn't care so I drive to this one part that's behind a park it's her favorite part of any woods she loves the scenery but today she's probably not doing much but moping around, When I got there she was sitting on a huge rock with her back towards me I crept behind her but stepped on a branch which cracked I was hoping she wouldn't notice "You said we would be together but then you left again plus yelled at me for trying to spend time with you" she didn't turn her head she was still staring off into the distance  but she knew it was me "I'm really sorry ok we can spend all week together just you and I?" She shook her head yes "That sounds fine but swear you won't leave or pickup phone calls or call me clingy" i raised my left hand and said "I Shawn Mendes swear to not pickup phone calls or leave or call my girlfriend clingy even though she is" I smiled and laughed she glared at me "I'm just joking I love you" I say next to her and she rested her head on my lap "I love you too" we stayed like this for a while then went back home cuddled and watched movies all with no interference.

So like I said I don't really do bad fights but maybe for the last chapter I'll do one like cheater or breakup tell me which anyway hope you enjoyed and bye love you guys.


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