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So there's going to be two more imagines and that's all I'm ending this book a bit early because I have two others books that I want to work on there might be a chapter posted at the end of the month but I'm not sure I'm very excited though because I've been getting very inspired lately so after I post some of my book go check it out it'll be called Wind Chimes and it's a horror book I hope you guys enjoy this book and my next, Love you bye.


Your POV

As of right now I'm painting walls inside me and Shawn's house that we just bought as a married couple Shawn's in the other room also painting once I'm done I have to run out to the store so I call Shawn and he comes to the kitchen where I am "What's wrong babe?" He questions "Nothing I just wanted to tell you I need some stuff at the store and I was wondering if you need anything?" He shook his head and shrugged "No I don't think so but I love you" he kissed me and went back to work as of I went to change out of my painting clothes when I'm done I walk to my car which is a purple Jeep Wrangler unlimited

I got to the store and bought what I needed I got a call from Shawn so I answered "Hey I was just wondering if you could pick up another paint roller this one broke?" I sighed and told him "You could have called before I just left and now I'm goin...

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I got to the store and bought what I needed I got a call from Shawn so I answered "Hey I was just wondering if you could pick up another paint roller this one broke?" I sighed and told him "You could have called before I just left and now I'm going back" he scoffed "Well it wasn't broken before and" I cut him off "Ok whatever just shut up I need to focus on this u turn its going to be very difficult to get out of" I looked around and drove out sighing I said "Ok I'm out bye love you-Oh my god! I was cut off by a car hitting me lWhat's wrong?!" Shawn asked while my whole car spins in the air "Ahhhhhhh!!" I yelled hitting the ground and tumbling that's all I had remember before blacking out.

Shawn's POV

"What! Y/n! are you ok!" I didn't hear a replie all I heard was her screaming then a big crash omg was she hit or in a car crash? I grabbed shoes and put them on I drove to the place she was going but I was cut off by other cars and police cars there was a ambulance I got out of my car and raced to the scene and that's when I saw the most awful thing I saw Y/n bloody and bruised next to her smashed vehicle she wasn't moving nor talking she looked dead but no she's not dead I ran through police tape and took her small fragile body into my arms I started sobbing saying things like "It's going to be ok" or "Don't leave me" the ambulances put her on a stretcher and loaded her into the car I got in holding her hand the whole way there, When we arrived at the hospital they took her into a room after they were done I sat with her and rested my eyes.

Your POV

I woke up but I couldn't lift up my eyelids they felt far too heavy but I could hear everything that's going on then I realized someone holding my hand I manage to open my eyes I try to shield my self from the bright lights but I can't lift my arm it's like my body's shut down but my mind is just very week Shawn stirred "Omg your awake I thought I'd never see you again but how do you feel?" I tried to speak but couldn't get the words out I was wheezing pretty heavy my eyes were slowly closing I knew that if they close their never opening up again "Hey look at me don't focus on any thing else" Shawn told me and hooked his fingers under my chin so I would look up but instead my body started shaking doctors rushing to my sides and I knew this was the end "Goodbye Shawn" is what I managed to get out I could hardly hear myself when they got me to stop shaking I inhaled my last breath and said "I love you" Shawn started bawling even more I closed my eyes and exhaled my last breath then started to walk towards the light.

Shawn's POV

Y/n just took her last breath doctors said they could do nothing about so I'm sitting next to her lifeless body the pink on her lips vanished the shine to her hair turned matte and her heart stopped pumping so I cried and I cried I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around it was a doctor "I'm very sorry about your loss and the baby" my eyes widened "W-Wait did you say b-baby?" She slowly shook her head "Yes she was pregnant and the baby was too small so it died almost instantly I'm very sorry" I gasped my wife was pregnant and she and the baby died I feel nothing but pain and sorrow today was the day when my life died.

So I'm sorry if you wanted it to be sadder but I teared up writing it I mean put your selves in Shawn's shoes anyway I hoped you enjoyed bye love you guys.


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