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You and Shawn are getting prepared to go to the beach so you grab a bag and pack sunscreen, a sun hat, sunglasses, and two towels once you're done you get in the car and wait for Shawn after waiting for about ten minutes you honk the horn hoping Shawn's coming another minute goes by and finally Shawn comes out locks the door then gets in the car "Where were you? I've been waiting for like two hours" you say dramatically "I'm sorry I was finding my bathing suit" he claims, you start the engine and pull out when you arrive to the beach you quickly grab your bag and run towards the beach once there you are greeted by Arron,Cameron,Carter,Jack,Jack,Matt,Nash and Taylor "Hey guys!" You shouted and took off your bathing suit cover to revel your black/white Bikini.

You set up a towel and take off your shoes you plan on going for a dip suntanning then at the end take another dip to cool off but the boys had other plans Nash grabbed you from behind and flipped you over his shoulder taking you to the ocean "No!...

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You set up a towel and take off your shoes you plan on going for a dip suntanning then at the end take another dip to cool off but the boys had other plans Nash grabbed you from behind and flipped you over his shoulder taking you to the ocean "No! Come on Nash! Put me down please!" You got his back and kicked but Nash didn't budge so You twisted your body resulting in Mash dropping you "Come back!" Nash yelled and chased you around you ran into a chest you looked up to see Shawn "Thank god Nash was trying to throw me in the water please protect me" you hid behind but he turned around facing you once more he threw you over his shoulder "Noo" please Shawn it's cold!" He walked further in all of a sudden you were hit with a thought "Wait Shawn I'm not as tall as You you're a giant" feat hit you Shawn shook his head "Nope you'll be fine cause I'm throw you in" he laughed and did the expected he threw you into the water you swam upward but couldn't how much water is there right now if Shawn was swimming I'd guess around six and a half feet you swam up but again nothing you've never really told anyone but you can't swim that good your arms failed you and you sank right to the bottom of the ocean floor you breathed out and saw nothing.

Shawn's POV

I walked back to the towels and looked around to my surprise I couldn't see Y/n maybe she's just swimming I thought and ate a muffin a couple minutes go by and I'm awoken by Jack J "Hey have you seen Y/n? We haven't seen her since you threw her in, did she leave?" Shock hit me what if she's still in the water I got up and ran towards the water I looked around and spotted U/n laying motionless on the ocean floor I swam I little over to her and pulled her up by this point all the boys were staring wondering what's going on I pulled her up to the shore and gave her CPR she didn't even flinch so I kept going "Dammit! someone call 911!!" I screamed and continued I was starting to cry thinking this is all my fault she's probably dead now all because of me I stopped and held her body close to me "She can't die I need her she's my everything" I told Cameron who was rubbing my shoulder comforting me "It's 911 will be here soon" he said sadly  when the paramedics came they took her on a stretcher and into the truck Nash drove half of us in his car while Cam drove the other half in his car.

You're POV

I felt someone lift my body on to a soft bed wheeling me somewhere they charged me and I felt a jolt but nothing so they did it again and I again didn't do anything I saw a light and began walking towards it a white glowing orb appeared and I made out the face it was Shawn I smiled "Hi where am I?" He smiled "I could tell you but you kinda have to figure it out" I took In my surroundings everything was white but there was nothing "Am I in heaven?" He shook his head no "You're not but you're between life and death I'm here to take you to heaven if you please" you shook your head "I don't want to die I want to go back to Shawn" he pouted "If you want to go back then you must leave you don't have time your body's already dying but know you'll be happy here" you shook your head "Wait Shawn how do I go back?" You questioned him "Think hard enough then your mind will take you back" he was very sweet, you closed your eyes and focused on Shawn.

Shawn's POV

Y/n's laying there as they charged her again she wasn't breathing and she was probably never going to because of me, I watched as she died but her eyes fluttered she leaped up and gasped for breath I ran in and hugged her tightly "Oh my GOD I'm so sorry this was all my fault I love you" she hugged me back after gaining her breath "It's ok I love you too" she said voice raspy, After the doctors checked everything they said she was all good but still should regain strength I got up and went to the restroom.

You're POV

Shawn went to the restroom so I pulled out Shawn's phone and went to twitter but not soon after receiving a text saying

Hey baby are you coming back later I miss you so much how about you ditch Y/n and come to my house I'll promise I'll make muffins.. -Babe

You tried not to cry but how could you not Shawn's cheating on you after all the things you've done for him you were breathing very fast and not at all steady you felt your heart rate go up you couldn't stop you were having a heart attack the doctors came in and did stuff but nothing helped, you felt like dying so you typed something on Shawn's phone despite your shaking hands you noticed you're breaths were now harsh you couldn't breath right so you held your breath wanting to never let it out after thirty maybe fourth seconds you wheezed and knew this is the end you took one last breath and went white you saw Shawn again "Hey why did you do that? Do you want to die?" He asked stepping closer you smiled "Yes I would I thought Shawn loved me but he cheated I mean I came back to life for him but now I don't have anyone to go to all my friends are friends of his" he put out his hand and offered "Then take my hand and I'll lead the way there" you took it and thanked him then finally walked in to the light.

Shawn's POV

I walked out of the bathroom back to Y/n's room where the doctors were gathered around her bed watching the clock on the wall they sighed and dropped Y/n's hand to the side of the bed "What happened? Is she alright?" I ask tears flooding my vision one doctor shook his head "I'm very sorry to say she died of a heart attack" my jaw dropped and I started to bawl the doctors left us alone for a few minutes I saw my phone in her hand I rubbed over her hand and took it away I looked at the screen it said

Hi Shawn
If you're reading this then I'm dead why because I found out you were cheating and I had a heart attack how I know is because as I'm typing this I'm in middle heart attack anyway I just wanted you to know I'm sorry if I wasn't good enough for you but I'm in a better place I hope you don't feel any guilt I also wanted to say that before I was breathing again I was met with by a angel who looked like you he told me if I went with him I could be happy Well I kinda wish I did but by know I'm probably dead in heaven watching down on you reading this I want you to know I love you and for my last word goodbye.

Love you're dead ex girlfriend Y/n

This isn't fair she's dead I should be dead it should have been me I cheated and practically killed her, she doesn't deserve this she deserves love and I hope she knows I love her and I always will.

I'm sorry if none of this happens when you pass out underwater or when you have a heart attack or when you can't breath I don't really know what happens so if this offended you in any way please know I'm sorry and I love you, oh kinda k bye.


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