Rough night chat 12

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By the merciful grace of God I had been blessed by this angels presence. His celestrial premise was enough to convert this agnostic spirit into a believer of a higher deity. This beautiful boy must have came from a pearl covered kingdom beyond the clouds. After all, where else could such an angel resign?

This magical divinity has mercifully cast light in my sorrowful existence and I planned to bask in his iridescent glow as long as time would allow.

The little omega head makes a quick jerk towards the dance floor. His eyes darts towards the clutter of people. The close proximity of heavily intoxicated adults starts to spark up a slew of anxiety but the beautiful boy's soft eyes offer a sense of reassurance.

The little omega presents his small hand to me. I blankly stare at his palms as if it was ready to lead my troubled soul to redemption.

He smiles as his caramel tinted pupils pleat into crescent moons, cheeks blooming a dusty pink and those fluffy black ears twitching with excitement.

Like a traveler caught in the sweet melody of a sirens song, I was helplessly enthralled in this enchanter's hypnotizing voice. My jaw is unlatched from its socket and my eyes completely focused on him with wonder and admiration.

The angel honey dripping voice leaks through his pillowy plush lips.

"Come dance with me" he lures me in with his voice. I place my hand into his and I mindlessly follow this god into the battle of swaying bodies and hyper beats.



It's hard to focus...its VERY HARD to focus.

Despite his innocent persona, this little angel has a very sexy vibe to him.

We sauntered on the dance floor, our distance between each other had quickly dissolved with every pulse of the raucous music.

The tiny hybrid made it very apparent that he was in need of physical contact. As the song coursed through our anatomy, the little hybrid proceeded to grind himself against me. His plump bottom was teasingly nudging my groin as my hands rested on his swiveling hips. Even with the darkness of the club, I would catch the naughty little hybrid turn to eye me down with a devious smirk and a quick lick of his lips. He was either mocking me or testing my resistance. He was adamant on using my body to continue bodyrolling against his own and I could hear a soft giggle as if he was amused with my self-resistance.

He turned on his heels so we were now faced to face, his muscular short arms coiled around my shoulders as he pulled our bodies together. I followed the rhythm of his petite figure as he leaned upward to whisper in my ear. He smirked as his face came closer to mine, soft eyes darting from my hungry eyes to my parched lips. we began to slow our pace, chest to chest, his eyes pleading for me to touch him. He licked at his lips as his hands pressed softly against my beating chest, hungry soldering eyes were pleading for more attention. I swallowed deeply as I waited for him to grace me with his voice.

He smirked, tilting his head to the side cutely "you're a pretty good dancer Mr.Yoongi" he giggled and I couldn't help but smile "You make it easy to follow you" I replied with a smirk. He moved in closer, lips pressed against my ear as his hand wrapped around my shoulders. My hands instantly followed the perfect curvature of his back. I felt his tail slowly wrap around my leg as his hot breath grazed my chilled skin.

"Will you follow me home tonight then?"

My brain must have short-circuited.

Did I hear him correctly?

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