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VII: pile on

VII: pile on

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i grinned, eyeing myself in the mirror. Ash placed the golden wristlets on either of my wrists and stood me up.

"The Tribute Parade should just about be finishing up, shall we?" Ash held his arm out for me and i took it. We walked up the stairs, through many corridors and toward the large open area where only one chariot stood with two beautoful horses stood patiently. The area was empty, usually it had around eleven other chariots and twenty four tributes. But they were out there, listening to president snow finishing his usual speech only it wasnt done yet.

With the help of Ash, i stepped up onto the chariot. He handed me my bouqet and smiled.

"Throw them at the crowd, smile, wave, wink, do whatever possible to get sponsers." Ash informed, "Youll need them."

"Well, im a snow, ill get them automatically." And without warning, the chariot jolted forward. i grasped the side of the chariot, quickly balancing myself as it pulled out. i smiled brightly, waving at either side of the filled crowd politely. i took two roses from my bouqet and threw one to either side of the crowd.

A small boy, with striking blue hair and a black and red suit around the age of twelve stood with his little sister who seemed to be around eight. She stood happily, her brown and ombré hair bouncing around as she curtsied in a purple dress like i did toward the camera earlier today.

I noticed their parents, who were both very well known sponsers each year to the career tributes. So, i smiled and threw a rose directly at them. The young girl picked it up, waving it in her parents faces cheering loudly.

I was the only person on the large screen now, every other district at the front of the hall staring at me with shocked expressions.

I forced as many smiled and waves out of me as i could, holding the rest of my bouqet in my other hand tightly as i neared the other districts.

i passed every other district, toward the centre of the area infront of the balcony where my father stood. My eyes caught the shocked expression of the girl from district two and i winked slyly at her. Her facial expression quickly changed and her eyes instantly bore an angry glare at me.

Coriolanus shushed the roaring crowds with a cough into the mic, "Here we have our first break in history! Our very own female Capitol tribute!"

The crowds screamed my name, waving and clapping. I basically felt the glares and looks of hopelessness from behind me from all of the districts. But i was too powerful, so those glares will soon turn to begs for an alliance.

"Now we are missing one thing." President snow paused, "A male tribute!"

An avox brought out a crystal ball like all the others at the other reapings, filled with golden papers.

"I will do the honour." I smiled as my father dropped his hand into the bowl.

"Bradley Barnes." he read the name out loud and clear and after a few seconds, a timid looking boy made his way from the crowd. A peacekeeper led him onto the chariot beside me. I smiled at him and locked my hand with his, lifting them up into the air. The Capitol shouted with glee. Bradley didnt have any potential, brought up with all the food he'd ever need, no training what so ever and not ever even having an idea of the games so the least i could do is make him look good enough for a sponsor.

"May the odds be ever in your favour."

Starting with our chariot, they all orderly made their way back down the runway and back stage once more. Now, I can see the place how it should be. Crowded.

Once again, Ash held his hand out for me and i happily took it to get down from the chariot in my heels.

Bradley followed, and now i got a real look at him. He was clad in a baby blue suit, his hair bright pink and his face covered in more makeup than mine. Usual Capitol fashion, nothing different there.

"That. Was. Incredible!" Ash placed a hand on my shoulder, shooting a smile to Bradley.

"You, my darling, are going to be the talk of all panem tonight!" My escort, Taffi, congratulated. I hadnt met her yet, and im sure she didnt even know I was a tribute until my chariot pulled out. She then turned to Bradley.

"You on the other hand dear are in desperate need of all help. Thats where we go talk to your new trainer!" Taffi smiled, taking a confused Bradley off toward the elevator to start straight away.

As Ash spoke to me about how insane my part of the parade was I caught the eye of District Two for the second time today. I couldnt help but stare, in her parade outfit she was honestly stunning. Plus, until she caught me looking she had a half relaxed expression on her face. Then, copying my movements from the parade she winked. I smiled sarcastically at the girl and turned back to Ash.

"She'd be a good ally, Snowflake, good choice."

Oh no. Not alliances with Clove Kentwell. Im sure she would stab me in all visible places given half the chance.

Ash took my arm and led me to the elevator, pressed the button and we walked in arm in arm. Once in, we stood a little furthur away than usual, me at the back and him at the front to press the button. Then, it all went wrong. The elevator doors begun to shut, but before they could Catos hand stopped it and the whole of District bloody two entered. Their mentor and stylist stood beside Ash, chatting about the parade, pulling Cato with them to show their beautiful talent which had already pushed me into the wall with no breathing room. And of course, the next person in was Clove.

No matter how hard we tried, we couldnt even get a step away from each other. In fact, Clove couldnt even stand next to me before the tiny elevator doors shut. We were all on top of each other.

I pushed myself as far back into the wall as i could, and evidently Clove tried the same thing but to keep herself balanced she had to have a hand on the bar that i was leaning on. How convinent. Clove smirked and moved her mouth to my ear.

"Next time im this close it will be to slit your pretty little throat, Princess."

I rolled my eyes, placed a harsh hand on her waist and pushed her as far back as i could which wasnt much.

"Dont test me, love." I whispered. Clove just sneered and hit my hand away. The elevator dinged at floor two, and the doors opened. I stepped on Cloves foot before she moved which made her trip a little backward. She glared at me, kicking my shin harshly and storming out.

Ash eyed me with suspicion, i just shrugged my shoulders innocently.

A/N: EHEHEEHEHE sorry im in love with clove sm.

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