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XVI: Allies? not.

XVI: Allies? not

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I ventured around the thick forest searching for food for a while. I found plenty of edible berries, and hunted a few squirrels and rabbits with a few of my knives. My backpack began to grow heavy as i walked, it weighing my strength down a bit. I paused, the weather seemed to be getting drastically hotter.

Then, as i began to pant, i realised i was thirsty. I needed water. I hadnt drank since before i got on that ship yesterday. I chewed on my lip, had i seen a watersource nearby? I dont remember seeing any water. Oh god im going to die from dehydration. And then, i had an idea.

"The lake." i muttered, turning on my heels. It was a good two miles from me, but id make it.

I wandered, under branches and through bushes. The crackling of the leaves sounded beneath my feet gently. Id walked around a mile and i needed a break, so i basically collapsed onto a log in pants. My head grew hot and i felt the sweat beads falling from my skin. I took my jacket off and shoved it into my backpack. I heard the crackling again, but it wasnt my feet. It wasnt feet at all. The warmth grew higher and i looked around confused. My eyes caught sight of a mass amount of trees about two hundred metres away from me catching light. Forest fire.

My heart sunk and i jumped up, swinging my bag over my shoulders before sprinting. My throat was scratchy and i felt as though i couldnt breath. The fire was a short distance away and i really didnt want to be fried to death, i didnt dare look back. I could feel the fire clipping at my heels, so i spun on my heels running backwards for a second to see the fire only to be met with a massive fire ball shooting at my side. Fuck.

I dived, but it hit my waist still. I screamed out in pain but i had to keep going, i could feel the harsh flames on my ankles. I stood up and sprinted, I could see the lake.

I basically danced once i got to the lake nearby the cornucopia, i tripped and landed beside it and cupped handfuls of water drinking it until i rolled into the lake and sighed in the cool water. Relief. I couldnt even lift my shirt to look at my side, so i just floated in bliss.

Then, i heard it.

"There she is!" Cato.



I looked up, too weak to dive out of the water and run once more and my eyes revealed the crowd of blurry careers running toward me. Only they werent running toward me like i had thought, the water splashes beside me and pants were heard. Im guessing out of the pain and blindness of running, I didnt see Katniss everdeen jump in the water a minute before i did.

I watched as all the careers ignored me, ran around me and toward Katniss. All except the girl id been thinking of way too much recently, Clove Kentwell. She smiled a little at me, slowing her run to a jog when she neared me. The others had run off. Our eyes met, and her face cleared of the blurriness prior, she looked perfect and a little bit sweaty.

"Allies?" She asked quietly, stretching her hand out. I sighed, I didnt like allies but i needed them to survive this burn. I joined my hand with hers and she pulled me up. I winced, my side searing in pain. I lifted my top up, a pretty brutal burn stretching from just below my rib to my hip bone.

"Damn, Princess." Clove spoke, looking at my burn mark.

"What can i say, the gamemakers love me."

Really, when i saw Katniss, i knew it who it was aimed at with Katniss Everdeen being the girl on fire and all. I was just in the wrong section at the wrong time.

"This allies thing, it wont last long Clove." I spoke matter of factly. Clove nodded.

"I know. Ill still be the one with the knife to your throat, so watch what your saying." Clove spoke, a hand on one her knives. I sighed.

"Not if i get there first." Ignoring my burn mark, i pulled out my dagger from my backpack and with a step forward held it towards Cloves neck. Clove breathed a chuckle, grabbing my wrist and pushing it back. She smirked and kicked the back of my knee with her ankle and i tumbled to the floor. Lets say i wasn't dehydrated, burnt and fatigued i would have won. But alas, Clove pinned me down as i did her when we dueled. She smiled, it almost seemed genuine. That was until a cold metal blade touched my throat.

"You wanna rethink your choices?" Clove smirked. I licked the top layer of my teeth.

"You wont kill me, love." i winked.

"Maybe not." Clove muttered. She pulled the knife away, moving very very close to my face, "But i can always kill you in different, less brutal ways. Itll hurt more."

After our little scuffle, Clove chose not to kill me and led me to the other careers and bread boy who were now at the bottom of a large tree not that far into the forest. I looked up at the tree, was Katniss dead? I hadnt heard a cannon. But, I spotted Katniss in that same tree with her head against the bark. They were waiting her out, that was unexpected from the careers.

"Snow." Cato smirked, standing from his seat on the floor, "You're light, you could climb up there."

I pursed my lips, nevermind they were using me. I stood still, lifting my shirt to show the blistering burn, "No thank you."

Cato rolled his eyes, moving toward me, "You're here because you're a strong tribute." He laughed, dragging his sword around me. I narrowed my eyes and he continued to talk, "But you are weak, and i could kill you right now."

"But you wont." Clove stepped infront of me, luckily being an inch taller than me or she'd look a bit stupid, "When the time comes, Cato. Its a show."

I rolled my eyes, walking off. I wasnt being allies with a group of stuck up pricks. Kill me, i dare you.

"Snow, dont go far. Dont want you dead before we kill you!" Marvel shouted, a bunch of taunting laughs followed. I didnt look back, but i lifted my middle finger to the group. I expected an arrow or a knife or even a spear in the back at this point, but it didnt come.

I kept walking, probably for miles at this point until i reached a flowing lake. This wasnt the same one id seen at the cornucopia. I shrugged, sitting against one of the many rocks at the side of the lake with a pained sigh. I pulled my flask out of my backpack, cracking and stretching my sore shoulders.

As i filled up the flask, drinking the entirety of it at least five times i used the sixth lot for my burn. I lifted my shirt, gritted my teeth and poured it slowly. I groaned and shivered in pain, but kept going until it was entirely gone. Then, i filled it to the brim and put it back in my backpack.

I heard a loud dinging sound after that, but i ignored it for a while. I was probably hearing things due to the pain. But i wasnt, a capitol box with a parachute landed in the water and begun to flow the opposite way. I jumped in, running after it in the water. Eventually i had caught up to it. It was a small box, and i had to go back to the rock and my backpack to open it. When i did, i smiled with happiness.

It was medicine.

A/N: not too proud of this chapter honestly, but anyways

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