If FMA Were REAL! 14

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A/N~ this chapter contains referances to the Bible! if you are uncomfortable with things from the Bible being changed or just the Bible in general, I wouldn't continue to read.


“Briar? That witch that tried to kill us?” Ed asked. I nodded.

“She must’ve taken it when she…uh…kissed you” Ed blushed bright red at the mention of the kiss.

“Well, how do we get it back?” Al asked.

“It’s going to be hard and I don’t want you two to come” I said as I stood in front of them.

“What?!” they shouted.

“Briar is witch but she’s also a demon as old as the earth itself. She was here centuries before God made it habitable for humans. She fought Him herself! She fought Him for the right for the earth and He nearly lost. She lost to Him and she tried in every way to get him back. You all know the story of Adam and Eve?” they all nodded, “And you know the serpent that told Eve to eat the forbidden fruit?” they nodded again, “It wasn’t Lucifer who was the serpent, she turned herself into the snake and tricked Eve into eating the fruit. Lucifer was later framed and was casted out of heaven. Because of her age, she’s extremely powerful! She can lift her pinky finger and the both of your heads will be spinning like owls!” I explained.

“Then why does Ed get to go?” Winry asked.

“Since he’s still merging with Edward, he can do alchemy” the three of them stared at me with wide eyes.

“But I don’t really know how to do alchemy! It’s too complex!” Ed said as he stood from the chair quickly.

“Yes it is, but, this isn’t really alchemy. It’s only what Briar created it to be. But for this spell, she had me create that part”

“Part?” Ed asked.

“Creating spells is like making software or video games, it takes multiple parts and sometimes, multiple witches”

“Then how does he do it?” Winry asked.

“He just has to think of what he wants to create, clap your hands, and there you go, fake alchemy” I smiled with pride. Ed looked at his hands and sighed. He clapped his hands and placed it on his automail arm. Blue electricity wrapped around the metal and we all watched in amazement as the top metal panel morphed into a foot long blade. When the electricity faded, I watched as Ed’s face changed from shock and awe to a happy dork.

“I’ve always wanted to do that!” he cheered with a wide grin on his face.

“Now that Ed knows how to use his alchemy, he and I can find Briar, get the watch back, and destroy it!” smiling, I clapped my left hand onto Ed’s shoulder and he disappeared.

“Where did he go?” Al asked in surprise.

"Don’t worry, he’s at his apartment. I can only teleport one person at a time. I’d suggest you two get out of town for the rest of day and maybe even tomorrow” I sighed and just as I was about to cast my spell, Winry spoke.

“There’s more, isn’t there” I looked at her in surprise.


“There’s another reason why you don’t want us to go” she repeated. I was quiet for a minute before nodding.

“Even though the spell was made for Ed, it can still effect you both but it’ll be different…especially for Al”

"How would it be different for me?” he asked.

“It would be unpredictable on which Alphonse you’ll turn into. If it was armor him, it would kill you in the transformation alone” Winry gasped in shock at the thought. “I have to go get Ed but please, please, could you both either get out of town or even the state until Ed or I call for you” I begged. Al nodded and gently grabbed Winry’s right arm.

“You make sure he gets out alive, you hear me?” she said through the tears now streaming down her cheeks. I nodded before teleporting to Ed.


“What the hell are we doing at my apartment?” Ed asked.

“There’s something here that can kill Briar forever…” I said as I searched through the kitchen.

“What can kill her?” Ed asked.

“A cross with a sharpened end” It was quiet after I told him this information. Suddenly, I heard the door open and then close.

“Will this work?” he asked as he entered the kitchen with a wooden cross. I smiled at it.

“Yes, that’ll defiantly work!” I nodded as I took to cross from his hands. Grabbing a knife from the counter, slightly bloodied from stabbing Briar earlier, I began to carve the longest end into a point.

After it was sharped to a point, I pressed my right thumb against the tip until blood dripped down the wood. I began to chant a few words of a dead language before taking my thumb from the stake.

“Was that necessary?” Ed asked. I nodded as I sucked on my bleeding thumb.

“One of us needs to strike her heart with this” I say around my thumb.

“I will do it” I gasped and looked at the actor in surprise.

“Ed, this isn’t a video game! This is real life! You die, you die! No do overs!” I tried to talk him out of this.

“I know this is really life! I nearly died dozens of times in my life time! And don’t get me started about today! If it calls for saving the world, I’m your man!” he smiled a wide smile. My shoulders fell and I looked at him with an unamused gaze.

“Ed, you saved a fictional world! That’s nothing like doing in real life!” I shouted at him. He snatched the cross from my hand and held it high above his head.

“I don’t care! I’m doing this!” sighing, I rolled my eyes and gave in.

“Fine! Just…don’t get killed” I said with a small pleading voice. He nodded. “By the way, where did you get the cross?” I asked.

“It was hanging outside Ms. Evens door”


A/N~ I’m almost done with this! I adopted this story at the end of my sophomore year of high school and now I’m a sophomore in college! That was back in 6/2012. I’ve come full circle! Also, there may be a special surprise at the end of the last chapter! Stay tune!

EDIT! 10/01/2014 A/N~ this month, I'm putting everything down (other than school, thats important!) and I'm going to try to finish this story!! 

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