If FMA Were REAL! 15

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A/N~ this chapter contains references to the Bible! If you are uncomfortable with things from the Bible being changed or just the Bible in general, I wouldn't continue to read.


“You stole your neighbors cross?” I shouted at the actor.

“She won’t miss it” he said as he brushed the subject off. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

“Edward? Have you seen my cross? You know, the one that hangs outside my apartment?”

“Quick, get us out of here!” he panicked. Laughing, I placed my hand on his shoulder and we both disappeared from the ruined apartment.


“Where are we?” Ed asked.

“On an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean” I answered as I felt the side of a mountain.

“Okay, but, what are you doing?” he asked.

“Not, all walls are what they appear to-” my right hand disappeared when I found the fake wall. The wall was of Briar’s creation. The rock was once real but she turned it into what it is now long before I existed. When undisturbed, the rock looks real but even the smallest touch can make it look like ripples on water. “…be” I whispered as I took two steps away from the wall. “This way” I said as I grabbed Ed’s wrist and pulled him towards the fake wall. Walking in the wall was like walking underwater but it was easier to breath but it hurt to breath.

Once we were through, Ed gasped at the fact that we walked through a liquid-like wall.

“How?” he asked. Edward’s mind must be coming through.

“I’ve told you before, magic! Now, come on! Her room is just down these stairs!” I pointed to the archway at the end of the torch lit hall. The whole interior looked like it a castle entryway carved from a cave. I’ve always liked being here but this time there was no joy of being “home”.

“Before we kill the Wicked Witch of the West, could you tell me anything good that came from your life with her?” his question was unexpected and made me think.

“Uh…she treated me like a sister or daughter sometimes…she gave me so much freedom that I never questioned it. She let me do and get whatever that was new. I’ve actually met you at a few cons before this but I was sorta cosplaying at the time” I smiled sheepishly. He chuckled as I continued, “But the more I think about it, she also tossed me to the side many times. She put me down at my magic and shapeshifting abilities. She told I would never be powerful or how I was sloppy at incantations. She told many lies, some I didn’t realize were lies until now.” I continued until we reached the top of the stairs. “Still have the cross?” I asked. He nodded as he held the holy weapon up. Sighing, I took the first step down towards certain death.


It felt like hours before we reached the bottom.

“Soon, after centuries, the ritual will be completed!” we heard her voice cheer from her cave. Ed and I quickly hid out the line of sight of the archway. “Seven sins were needed and now they were killed for this!” peeking into the room, I watched as she danced gracefully around a large hole in the ground that acted like her cauldron to her success. Smoke and light flouted out of the cauldron as she moved around it. She suddenly stopped and pointed to the sky. “Oh you Heavenly Father,” she cried with sarcasm, “I will take the earth from you and mold it to my image! My brothers and sisters will roam the land freely like your humans!”

“Can she really do that?” Ed whispered. I looked at Ed in surprise.

“Didn’t you hear the story of how she fought God and nearly defeated Him?” I snapped quietly. He took a step back and we went back to listening.

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