If FMA were REAL! 8

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"Get the hell away from him!" Two voices screamed. Looking up I saw Al, Winry, and Fayth standing at the front door. Winry seemed really pissed while Fayth was just swimming in emotions. The woman released me from the kissed and smirked at me before turning towards my friends.

"Foolish mortals, and Fayth, you think you can stop me from achieving Grace!? I just need to kill Edward Elric and I'll be there!" The woman cackled. Suddenly, Fayth was in front of the woman.

"The one thing I love about the villain in the movies is that they always tell their plan to the heroes" Fayth smiles.

"But I didn't tell you my plan" the woman retorted.

"Yeah, but you said some of it!" The smiled grew wider as I heard something plunge into something soft. I saw that the woman's breath staggered as she held her stomach. Blood dripped over her fingers.

Suddenly, she erupted into flames, leaving a black spot on my wood floor.

"Ding dong, the bitch is dead" I smiled at the spot.

"Not exactly, I just wounded her. Yes, that'd kill a human but she's not human. She's half demon and half witch"

"Witches? Demons? There's no such thing" Al exclaimed as he and Winry moved closer to us. Winry stood next to me and shot glares at me from the corners of her eyes.

"Oh, we're very real!" There was a hint of a smile on her lips.

"'We'?" Winry asked.

"Yes, I'm a witch. Every witch has a power they can use without an incantation like mine is shapeshifting"

"I don't believe this" I muttered as I ran my left hand through my bangs.

"The thing I don't believe is you were kissing her!" Winry hissed and stared daggers into me.

"I didn't kiss her! She kissed me!" I shouted at her. We started to fight about it. Little Fayth had to literally get in between us to separate us.

"Stop it, you two! You all have to listen and believe me!" The girl shouted.

"We are listening!" Al was the first to reply.

"But do you believe me?" She questioned. We all went quiet.

"Ed, you have to believe me! You saw me change!" She hugged my automail arm and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"I don't what I saw!" I shouted.

"Do I really need to prove it?" She whined. Two heads nodded while I tried to pry my arm for her steel like grip.

"Fine" she sighed and released my arm.

"I think first I should repair that arm of yours, Ed" she said as she fingered the arm she was just about to rip off. She muttered something in a strange language and a light spread from her finger tips and covered my metal arm. When the light faded, I was able to move my arm again. Fayth sighed.

"Now do I really need to prove anything?" The three of us shook our head and she smiled.

"Good! Now down to business..." Fayth started talking about the woman, a witch named Briar, when I started to get light headed. I rested my left hand on my forehead and breathed deeply.

"You okay, Ed" one of them asked but their voice was too quiet.

"I...I thin..." Suddenly, the world turned onto its side went black.


A/N: Hey, look! I updated! this should hold all of you over for...*looks at watch* 3 seconds

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