4th poem-The darkness

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Ahh the darkness

It always leaves me breathless

It calls out to me like a morning bird

It sings my name out loud

I like cause it doesn't pack a crowd

Im not one to lie

So believe me when I say the darkness is my haven

The place where I feel no pain

My place of peace and tranquillity

The one place I don't hate terribly

The darkness

I'm a weirdo,it accepted me nevertheless

I like it cause it doesn't choose

It would never trade you for booze

It accepts everything and everyone

Doesn't matter all the shit you've done

It welcomes without question

It judges no person

It wouldn't call me crazy

Or say I behave like a baby

It respects my privacy and needs

It respects all my deeds

It can't abandon me cause sits everywhere

No matter what its always there

It welcomes your pain

It doesn't question if you're sane

Doesn't decide to admit you into an asylum

It doesn't call you dumb


Never makes you feel bad

It listens and let's you rant

It moves as much as a potted plant

It doesn't let you down

It doesn't question why you smile or frown

It doesn't ask stupid questions

"Are you okay" "would you like a few sessions"

Do I look crazy to you

But oh what can I do

I can't complain

I have the darkness to help my pain

The silence helps me you know

Sometimes I wish it wasn't so

It is what it is

Unlike people darkness never flees

Ha longest one yet please comment and vote

I love you guys

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