05: Haunted by the Past

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"Why are you always like this? A narcissist, only caring about nothing but himself. You said you wanted love so I gave it to you. But what do I get in return? Nothing, right? It's because you only wanted to be the center of attention in the both of us!"

"Love, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry I've been busy that I can't even return to you the love you're giving me. But I'm begging you, let's fix this!"

"There's nothing to fix when everything has already falling apart. How do you expect to put and tape back together all the pieces of a broken, porcelain plate? Our relationship is already broken as heck, and you expect me to fix this? I'm tired... Tired of loving you. I don't even know if I still love you."

"Please! You're not the only one who's going to fix this! I will, too, j-just give me another chance..."


Suho went home earlier than his own and usual ‘schedule’ because he already finished all of his works for this week. Also meaning that his mind has all the time to reminisce his unforgotten past; it sucks for him. This is one of the main reasons why he hates doing nothing. He'd rather be distracted all the time than to let his brain think about all the bad memories that happened in the past.

Suho sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the window blankly. He has no work tomorrow so he had planned on taking himself out in the mall and see if he could buy himself the things he wanted to buy before. He really doesn't want to sleep at this time yet; 12:30AM. It's 'too early' for him. Therefore, Suho only took his phone and lay on his bed comfortably as he clicked on the YouTube application. His plan for now is to watch some vines but the video keeps on buffering and it was obviously pissing him off. The internet connection was kinda slow at this point and he doesn't have enough patience for now to wait for the video.

He tsked to himself as he puts his phone down and sent himself to sleep. One hour of twisting and turning, and eight hours of sleep to say the least.

The first thing he did when he woke up is to go to the bathroom, brush his teeth like usual and go with the flow, continuing by doing what he always do before going to work. Except this time he was doing it a bit slower and seems to be taking time on what he's doing. After taking a bath and eating, Suho proceeded on deciding what to wear. He just hopes that he finds something nice and fashionable on his closet or else it'll take him an hour choosing what to wear. Luckily, Suho did found something good to wear. Something perfect for the cold weather.

Soon enough, he finds himself calling for a taxi outside his house. It took him some minutes to get one but it's alright for him. Another thing that he's greatful for today is the fact that there are no traffics in the area, making him reach the mall in almost no time. He handed the payment to the taxi driver before getting out of the car. In front of him stood the huge building he likes to chill and relax on.

Suho then went inside the mall and looked around, wondering on which store should he go first. The first one that caught his attention was a pet store. He could hear the cats mewl and the dogs bark as the shop gets surrounded by many folks. He smiled to himself and walked closer to the store, going completely inside it afterwards. It was a bit larger compared to the other ones, and there are a lot of animals you can keep inside your house. But the animal that mostly caught Suho's  attention was a rabbit. A white one.

Little backstory is that rabbits will always be his favorite animal. He even had one before, but it died just a few years ago. Suho gets closer to the cage and caught the rabbit's attention by making weird sounds. He smiled widely and giggled at the rabbit's cuteness. It lasted for a while before Suho walked out of the store empty handed. Suho told himself to get some savings first before buying a new pet, particularly that rabbit, which he didn't have in a while.

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 , suchen Where stories live. Discover now