10: A Disastrous Bachelor Party

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"Xing-hyung, tell me about you two more!"

Chanyeol gets another two bottles of Soju as he inquisitively asked Yixing about his and Lingxi's 'love' story. The man couldn't help but to feel obliged by his friend and therefore, he told them the story of how the two of them met, excluding the part where he actually cheats on Suho with Lingxi.

This is the night before Yixing and Lingxi officially gets married. It's a bachelor party where in only his male friends are invited. He decided to do it at a luxurious hotel, maybe to show off how rich he actually is. Surprisingly, he had even invited Suho, but not directly. It was with the help of the ChanBaek couple with them not knowing that the one they're inviting is actually Yixing's ex. At first, the older male completely disagreed since he didn't got an official invitation from Yixing himself, and he obviously didn't want to go because it's gonna be awkward as hell. Chanyeol and Baekhyun sadly reported this to Yixing, but the latter didn't stop. Instead, he messaged Chen through his social media account. Of course Chen was shocked and was about to completely disagree, knowing that Yixing was the man who've hurt his hyung. But then the latter had connections— that is through the ChanBaek couple, again. Eventually, Suho and Chen had no choice but to join the bachelor party.

Yixing's friends were sparsely scattered around the hotel pool. Some were turning their attentions to some of the sexy ladies on the side; some others, including Yixing, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun, were just casually drinking some wine and beer while talking about the 'better' things in life; meanwhile, some were quiet and were feeling a little too awkward—and that is specifically Suho and Chen themselves. They don't want any attention, that's why they stayed quiet and leaned against one another. But what they don't know is that being the most silent among the rest was making them the center of almost everyone’s attention. It was a bachelor party, everyone should be loud and having fun, but apparently they're not.

Chen puts his arm over the shoulder of the other male, pulling him closer to his side where he can actually feel the warmth of his body. His cheeks flush in an instance as the feeling grows deep within him. He knows that they're just pretending to be 'sweet,' but somehow to him, it feels so real. Suho gave the younger a soft smile before he wraps his arms around the other's waist, later on resting his own head on the younger's shoulder. They only watched how the others have fun with themselves. They couldn't wait any longer for this night to end, but it doesn't look like it's about to end anytime soon. So they're left with the only choice— and that is to endure whatever this is.

Though Suho is looking beyond his front, he can actually see Yixing staring at him in his peripheral vision. He himself knows that there is another reason why his ex-lover invited him to the party. Soon enough, Chen begins to notice how uncomfortable Suho already was since he was doing too much unnecessary movements. The younger gently held him, now fully wrapping his arms around his hyung to restrain him from doing any more movements. Chen notices how Yixing stares at his hyung, and it infuriates him. It irritates him and he hates Yixing even more now.

He thought to himself, 'You have a fiancé. Quit staring at my hyung.'

If looks could kill, Yixing would've been killed by Chen.

Later on he pokes Suho, signalling him if he could 'kiss' his forehead. Of course the older was taken aback, but Chen later on explained his plans. The other sighed and agreed. For anyone not to be suspicious of them, Chen kisses Suho's forehead gently, his soft lips lingering there for a little more while, making both their hearts beat with joy. Yixing saw it and he had a readable, sour facial expression. Pissed off, he turned his focus on Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who were already drunk and making out at the time.

"I'm bored, hyung." Chen whispers, his face surprisingly close to Suho's. The latter pouted and idly replied, "Same."

"Hehe, why don't we play a game? This is by far the worst and most boring bachelor party ever."

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 , suchen Where stories live. Discover now