Part 2 : I'm sorry manik

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Here is the next part. Enjoy reading. 
Hope you guys like it.

We can see a room . The room is scattered. Every single thing in room are broken. Just like an earthquake came and destroyed all. We can see a figure sitting in the corner of room. Face is not seen. Hand is bleeding and blood is coming out from the wound. The person lifts her face and the person is nandhini. She has a photo frame in her hand and obviously you know whose it can be. It's manik's .

N:(crying)  I'm sorry manik. I know you will do anything to protect me. I al... also know yo.... you will destroy th... the person who harms me. But you will never kill them. I know you are innocent bu... but I couldn't help you. I know now you will ha.... hate me... but.... I'm sorry  please forgive me.

She clutch the photo near her chest and lay down on floor while crying. Her hand is bleeding but she didn't feel any pain bt instead her heart is paining. She slowly closes her eyes.

Next morning at space

A new morning. And it is definitely a new one for all especially  space. The court scene and nandhini's betrayal is spreading  like a fire. They all want to know what manik will do to nandhini.

We can see nandhini entering the campus. Her face is dull. Hand is bandaged. She without looking any one straight went to Canteen.  She know all space is watching her. Bt she take her food and settled.

We can see another car entering the college premise. And there comes fab 5 with their all famous attitude. They all move towards cabir's favourite spot Canteen. They see nandhini moorthy sitting calmly. Nandhini see them . Bt doesn't respond.

Fab 5 moves towards  her. Neyonika was passing by there. She saw manik going towards nandhini. She want to know now what will manik do to nandhini just like space.

Fab 5 settled surrounding her.  Manik is killing her by his gaze. Nandhini take food in her hand and was going to put in mouth bt  bt manik holds her hand. All are waiting to see a dhamaka .

Manik stops her and takes plate from her. Nandhini look towards him. There eye locked. Bt nandhini averts the gaze and looks to plate. Manik take a morsel in his hand and move towards her mouth. She looks him and then morsel. She slightly open her mouth then

He feeds her and she eats. After that manik cups her face and place a soft kiss on her forhead.

All space including neyonika shocked. Screen ends here.

What do you think manan are separated or not?

Why manik behaving sweetly to nandhini?  If it is a revenge plan?

What will happen next?

What do you think what happened when manan  met yesterday? 

How is the update?

Take care see you soon and enjoy reading  also share your views and support me.

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