Part 39: Well wisher?

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From past 5 minutes manik and cabir are doing all possible things to get out of the room but couldn't help with any. First they tried to elope through the only window in the room only to know there is no way on the other side of the window. After that they searched other way but there was only the main door to escape. 

They were hell tensed about nandhu. They know she can't help herself more time.

C: manik we have only 15 minutes now. I think now we have only one way to broke the door. So let's do that

Manik didn't respond nor took a step from where he is.

C : manik kya hua ?  Time is going yaar

M: not main door cabir. We can't go through that.

C : why ?

M: think practical cabir. We have only 15 minutes and in 15 minutes we should break the door and escape from the goon and save nandhu. We don't even know how many goon are there outside and now we can't handle many numbers of them. If we handle also we don't know in how much time we will reach nandu. So we should search for other way.

C : I agree it's not practical but do you know  any other way than this?  No right so we should take risks.  There is no other way to save our princess. And about goon I will distract them till the time you should reach baby ok .

M: what do you think I will leave you alone and go. If we will live then all three or else all three will die. I can't leave you alone

C : ok we will think about that later but for now  can we concentrate on breaking door? 

M: ok

After that they both tried to break the door but it was hard. It's not like any movie so that it will break in one kick right. They were trying hard and at last they got tied. But it didn't stopped them manik was again going to try but something stopped them.

It was a piece of paper that was coming through the small gap if the door. The paper land at the foot of manik. He picked the paper and went near the door. 

M: ( while knocking the door ) hey any one there?

They didn't get any reply. Manik looked towards cabir who in turn was looking him and then the paper in his hand.

C : open the paper.

Manik nods and opens the paper to see something written in that.

Don't try to break the door you will not get anything. Your life is near you and the only  way is in that room. Find out the way and save your life

Well wisher

It was written on the paper. They were confused reading the paper.

C: what is this ? 

M: I don't who is this well wisher? 

C : it's says the way is inside the room. How we checked all possible way but couldn't find one then? 

M: we should check once more.  And I'm sure this time we will find the way.

C : you are believing this letter don't you ?

M: as of now we don't have any choice. So let's search each and every corner of the room. We have only 10 more minutes.

They started to search.  On other side nandhu is having a hard time. The gas is not that much affecting because first  the flow is less and second she is covered herself well but the coldness is taking a toll on her. She is hardly handling herself to be calm. 

N: mani..... pls. .. pls come fast.... i.... i can't ha... handle  myself..... more

M: baby bas hold on for me. Pls I'm coming bacha pls......

M: did you get something ?

C : no

Manik gets frustrated angry and what not.  He is feeling the most helpless person right now. In anger he throw a vase in that room angrily to the floor. It landed with a different sound. Manik got doubt and he liked the floor where the vase fall.

He analysed the place with other one to see some differences. Then he cleanly watched to find out a key hole.  He got to know there is an underground way. Cabir to get to know and they searched the key. They know the key will be there only.  After searching they got from nearby  the same vase they fact the key was kept inside the vase. When manik threw that  vase key fall on the floor.

He hurriedly took the key and opened the door and pull it outside to see a way to down. 

Manik jumped inside after saying cabir. Inside there were to rooms one left and other right.  There was only dim light. He hurriedly goes to right side but stopped feeling something.  He turned to left to look but again turn to right.

He checked the right side to see none and again went to left side and opened the door to see nothing. He was disappointed and now he has only 5 minutes he don't know what you do. He helplessly  sat on the floor on his knees and was crying remembering nandhu at that time he heard a whispers  mani....

He frantically looked here and there to see other door like one inside the room.  He went near that and opened it to see it was filled with smoke and chill ran through his spine.  He covered her mouth and entered inside the room.

Manik looked  here and there to spot a figure curled up to a ball and lying on the floor. He knew it was his life his nandhini. He went near her and look her in his arms.

N : ( whispers ) mani..... you came . I know you will save me.

M: ( crying ) I'm sorry princess  sorry  because of me... you....

N : mani..... i .....

M: shh baby it's ok. don't  speak. You are not well we should go outside.

Manik by saying tool her in his arms and came near the door from he came. He called cabir and cabir took nandhini outside the room and higgledy-piggledy her tightly. After tgat he helped manik to come outside. After manik came outside they close the door and took nandhini in his arms. They both hugged her tightly.  Cabir noticed that nandhini is in the edge of losing her  consciousnes.

C : manik she is....

Manik looked her and while patting her cheeks said.

M: baby shh don't close your eyes bas we will reach our home soon. You trust me na pls be with me baby ...

Nandhini heard him and was trying hard to not to close her eyes. Manik and cabir were feeling helpless and looking her sadly. 

.to be continued. . . . . . .

Stay safe and stay happy

Keep smiling 😄😄😄😄😄

See you soon 😄😄😄😄😄

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