Part 41: Aaahhh

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Al:(loudly ) guys what are you looking each other ? Answer us what happened to doll and when did he come here ?

M: alya relax aram se. Nandhini will wake up. We will tell you everything but not here let's move out.

They nods and went outside of the room.

Ab: so manik now tell us ? And ( to the person ) aryaman well did you come here and how you guys met ?

Yes the person was none other than aryaman khuranna. ( loving2000 you were almost right )

Aryaman khuranna: a doctor by profession and good friend of manik and cabir but possessive for nandhini her superman. When it's come to nandhini manik cabir and aryaman fight like Tom and Jerry. Good from heart and always stands first his friends and family.

M: when we went to check for nandhu we realised that nandhu got kidnapped. We searched all the place and was going to search her some other place but met with an accident. When we woke up we came to knew that we are also kidnapped. Then.....

He narrated the all events till they reached home with nandhini.

D: these much happened and you guys didn't called us when nandhu was missing.  How could you guys

C: druv sorry yaar but that was not the correct time. At that time the first priority was to find nandhu.

N : it's ok. But how aryaman got to know all these?

C : even i don't know the answer. Only manik knew he was there . Manik how did he cone here

M: when I was searching her in other side of the mall  alone that time I bumped with aryaman who was came to purchase things for us. He hot to know something was wrong and tell I told him about the situation and also told him to follow us without anyone's notice. It's just that my gut feeling told me someone was watching me and cabir. So I bid bye to aryaman and went near cabir.

C : but how did you knew that aryaman will open the door?

M: ( by showing his and aryaman watch ) because of this watch.

Mu : means ?

Ar: you guys all know we two wear this watch whenever we go outside. So when I was following him I saw that someone took them from the car and I followed them and came near the building where they kept them. It took me sometime to reach outside the building. There were few Goons outside and I know I can't knock down all. It's not a film to fight them all. But thanks to my medical kit that I always carry with me. I made them unconscious using smoke and then I opened the door.

Nandhini was not that much affected by the poison so I did her first aid and give her injection for the fever. Now it's all well and she will wake up in some minutes.

Al : thank God. 

Ar : but I have a doubt ?

M: what? 

Ar : they kidnapped you guys but they not indented to harm or kill any of you guys. They send very mild poison gas so that it can't affect her too much and also they didn't do anything to manik amd cabir. I'm really confused what was their motive. And when I was outside the building I only so the Goons none else.

M: we can think that later. It's doesn't matter for now.  The first priority is nandhini nothing else.

N: manik is right. I will go and make some healthy food for nandu. You guys also take rest.

Mu $ al : wait navya. We will also come.

The girls went to make food and the boys to went to their rooms. Manik cabir and aryaman was present there. Manik went inside the room and sat beside nandhini. He slowly caressed her hairs. Cabir and aryaman too came inside. Aryaman  came near him and placed his hand on his shoulder and pressed lightly to assure tgat she is ok. Manik nods his head.

It's true that they fought like Tom and Jerry when it's come to nandhini. They are too possessive too but aryaman also knew that none can take the place of manik in nandhini's life and vice versa. He is too happy with the fact and always wishes them to be together. If anyone think anything against them then they have to face aryaman first then only can touch them.  It's just that he was in London for some doctors meet so he didn't do anything now he is back here with them. So anyone dared to hurt them he will hunt them down. 

Manik slowly stood up facing aryaman.

M: arya did you find out who is behind this and what is the motive of that jerk maddy ?

C: (shocked ) one min how he know about maddy ? And what's happening behind me ? Manik I will kill you if you hide anything from me .

M : cabir stop it. I'm telling you now.  Aryaman knew all about maddy and he is back before one week.

C :(shouts ) what ?

Ar: cabir don't shout. If baby wake up and listen to us na then we are gone.  She will not leave us until we tell her everything. But now I don't want her to involve in this so pls quiet.

C : sorry but I want to know everything.

M: I met him before a week. He was planning to surprise nandhu so he called me. But by meeting me he got to know something is wrong.  I tried to hide but eventually he found out. And from that time he was following us.

C : us but for what ?  He should follow tgat maddy na

M: it's because  if he following us then he will know anything that will happen to us and can save us like today and also can find the culprit. But if he follow maddy only then he only get to know about the plan.  And what do you think maddy will be tgat easy to catch. He will knew in sometime if he follow him. But he didn't even think that we kept someone to follow us only. 

Ar: yes and from there I was with you guys and also there was someone with maddy too and we can catch the culprit just need to wait till tomorrow night.

M : what do you mean

Ar: I meant the culprit.......


They were talking but a whisper calling mani broked their talk and they turned to see nandhini trying to open her eyes and she was murmering  manik's name. Manik soon reached near her and sat near her and patted her hairs and encouraged her to open her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and look manik. He helped her to sat straight and gave her water to drink. She drank the water and look around. She eyes stopped at one person. She blinked her eyes 2 3 times and then screamed loudly.



How was the update?

Why nandhini screamed?

Good night 😄😄😄😄

See you soon 😄😄😄😄

Stay happy and stay safe  😄😄😄

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