Part 15 : Neyonika

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Hi guys good morning to all

 It's the first time I'm entering my story for award

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It's the first time I'm entering my story for award. Some of you guys knew this. If those who don't know please give it a try. Please give your votes and love to my story.

Anyway here goes the next part.

Manbir  are in Dr's cabin. They are here to collect nandhini's report.  They are very tensed about the report. The Dr came to the cabin.

M:(worried) Dr the report is normal right? She is ok na

Dr: relax she is ok. The report is normal. You guys can take her home. But she is weak so she need rest and healthy food. The wound will be healed soon and you should dress the wound everyday.

C: thank you Dr

They came outside the cabin. Manik and cabir sighs in relief.

C: manik you go and tell nandhu, I will go and complete the formalities.

Manik Nods and cabir go to look after the discharge papers.

Manik enters the room to see girls are having their own time and druv is sitting on couch doing something in his phone.

M: hi guys

N: mani... what did Dr said?  I can go home na

M: ya you can go and get ready. We are going.

N:(happy) yeee  I'm going home.

M: ha jaan go and change the dress.

Girls help her to change. After that manik comes and picks her up in his arms.

N: mani I didn't get shot in my leg. I can walk

M: I know. But you need rest and I want you to be always in my arms. So just shut up.

Nandhini makes faces hearing him but remains quite. Manik places her on seat and drives the car. Soon they reached mansion and again he picks her up and goes to their room. He places her on bed and tells her to sleep. He slowly pats her head and she eventually fall asleep.

After that manik came outside. Cabir sees him and drags him to study.

M: cabir what the hell is this ? Why you dragged me here?

C: manik I want to know who is behind this attempt. And I know you know that.

M: (sighs) I know it's neyonika. She again came to attack in hospital but ran away by seeing me.

C: (shouts) what ? And now you are saying this?

M: I don't want nandhu knew this.

C: you are leaving neyonika easily.

M:(angry ) no now I will not. She will live her rest of her life in jail. Let's go

They both goes by saying girls that when nandhu wake up call manik.

Manan = Trust 💗💗💗 ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now