Imagine 3 (Minho, After Thomas's arrival)

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I was sitting by Thomas and Newt with Minho and Gally in front of us. A single thought had been playing on my mind for months now. I want to become a runner. "You ok love? Your quiet" Newt said, he was basically like your big brother and protector. You were all eating breakfast and you decided to drop the bomb. "I wanna be a runner" I forced out through gritted teeth and Gally starts laughing.

I gave him a death stare and he stops. "Are you serious?'' "Yes." I reply, my patience with him wearing thin. "But you're a girl and girls are weak" I stood up suddenly and slapped him hard across the cheek. The noise rung out through the now silent dining place and my hand print was red with purple bruises across Gally's cheek like a sign. "Hows that for weak you sexist bastard!!" I yell at him and walk away, showing him a certain finger.

Everyone laughed and some even did that ooooooh thing. I heard steps behind me and I looked back and saw Minho running towards me. "You want to be a runner?" "Don't make me slap you like I slapped Gally" "No I wasn't implying that, let's go if you want to be a runner but it's hell" "I can handle that" He flashed me a genuine smile and I smiled back.

My hand was still stinging from making contact with Gally's cheek. When I started running the wind numbed my burning hand. We were inside the maze now when Minho stopped causing me to bump into him. "What is it?" "There's this girl I like and I don't think she likes me back" "How can you be sure?" I said grinning, I was the only girl here, I came a few days before Thomas.

"I'm not I just think she doesn't" He says not meeting my eyes. "What if I told you she does?" I ask. "Then I would be the happiest slinthead here" "I can't tell you but I'll show you" I say and press my lips t his. He kisses back instantly and my fingers wind them self in his hair. I pull apart because my lungs were burning and Minho grinned.

"Let's get back to running then, time for this later" I nod and we take off running again, hand in hand and united.

The Maze Runner Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now